The Riace bronzes were found by chance by two boys, a few hundred meters from the shore. They said in a sub Roman, who then intesterà the discovery (and the prize of the State). The two warriors lack the spears and shields, and around here there are those who swear to have seen (coincidentally) who and when them stolen. 40 years have passed, and no one knows anything, nor arms, nor even of a mysterious third bronze, none of us knows. Officially.
Today the two wonderful warriors, after a long restoration, are housed in a lounge supertechnological (renovated on purpose to preserve and cost several million euro) in the Museum of Magna Grecia in Reggio Calabria.
To see them, though, a tourist can any choose to spend half of his vacation lined up on Salerno -Reggio Calabria, if you take one of three trains “high speed” from Rome and put nearly 7 hours of travel. Or spend 400 € for a flight from Rome to Milan.
But our tourist German, Russian, Japanese, did not give up and choose to come in Calabria. Download the app on your smartphone of tourism development made by the region, but unfortunately not working. Then goes on the website Turiscalabria , put online by “only” one million euro less than 10 years ago by recycling part of the contents of , another site to put online Pantalone and expenses that now rests in the cemetery of the web since 2003. But despite the many bugs and difficulty navigating the institutional portal of the Calabrian tourism, our stoic tourist decides to travel anyway.
Upon arrival in Reggio, will have two opportunities in front of him, take a train diesel monorail, or get in the car, at the time of the archaeological park of Crotone, on highway 106 Reggio-Taranto, better known as “the road of death “at least fifty years. Guinto Cape Colonna, can park free in the new car park built drowning in concrete the remains of an ancient Roman forum.
All of this is normal.
Normal not only for our ruling class (and for us Calabrian ostriches), but also for the supervision of cultural heritage and the Minister Franceschini.
No, better to make a flight with Ryanair to 30 € for Rome, and after saw the Colosseum take one of the 30 (and more) Frecciarossa to Milan and be in less than 3 hours at Expo.
Colpa di Cavour and the unification of Italy? Maybe. Blame the north and cannibalizing the resources of the South? Not really, as the case of the South it was “our thing” until the other day, as well as most of the European Structural Funds and the shower of trillions arrived in the South and in Calabria in the last fifty years .
Few people know that Calabria, for example, might be today’s Silicon Valley Italian , if only he had taken advantage of a tremendous opportunity created at the turn of the 80s and 90s between public and private. E ‘in 1987, and I have barely a year old when, after tens of unproductive work and patronage of the fat years, the IRI, as part of’ ‘organic action number two “dedicated to technological innovation, is the consortium Telcal (formed by Sip, Intersiel and ITALTEKNA), putting in budget expenditure of over one million pounds, the most significant financial commitment of the State to Calabria.
Telcal was implementing body of the Calabria Telematic Plan , a series of projects for the local public administration (Region Calabria Information System, automation local health units), the central public administration (automation of the courts, environmental monitoring), agriculture (agro-meteorological network, connection to Sian), tourism (constitution bank data availability and teleprenotazioni), distance learning (with strengthening then the Consortium for the ‘distance university, a new national born and raised in Calabria), research into the’ IT and telematics (and establishment of laboratories for the educational software and for the ‘software engineering).
At the turn of 1992 and 1994, the region Calabria enters Telcal becoming its majority shareholder.
It also conclude memoranda of understanding where it is established that the IT companies Calabrian should have been assigned at least 50 percent of the work of software development.
success, in short, and a source of pride for the pioneers of ‘ era, namely the University of Calabria and the Savings Bank of Calabria and Lucania who had given birth at Crai, the Consortium for Computer Research, a sort of University software. First experiment of its kind in the country.
So, in summary , IRI, the state corporation, is Telcal with telecommunications companies at the time not yet privatized. Years later still the State, but in this case the regional policy, becomes the majority shareholder of the consortium.
After a decade the Calabria Telematic Plan starts at the end, and end up even money. Telecom is pulled out of the consortium along with two subsidiaries and Intersiel Italeco and the consortium is dissolved, leaving the street hundreds of families from Calabria to which the region will have to find a solution for reuse.
If it went wrong, how did it go , we should be still the region most digital of Italy, and instead we are now to spend another 400 million euro for ultra-wideband, and when I write I sail less than 4 megs. Although I pay my telephone operator the same 39 euro per month to those in other regions of central and northern browse to 100 megs.
Oh, I forgot. After Telcal, through an agreement of approximately 40 million euro between the government and the Region of Calabria, it decided to set up two Districts technological Calabria, one of Logistics and Transformation of Gioia Tauro and one of the Cultural Heritage in Crotone. Needless to wonder what happened to that money.
critical of much of Europe, but we really know what happens in Brussels? There, every Italian region has its own office and some employees, even if you do not know what to do. The Campania pay 80,000 euro for rent year. Sicily has a palace cost 3 million euro, and one of the secrets of puffins is that you would work many children of local politicians. And, last but not least, the Calabria: it spends something like 200 thousand euro per year to rent a room where two people work. The same Calabria which in recent years has received many billions from Europe but has been able to expend less than half, bringing back the rest.
Let’s talk numbers and infrastructures. Ponte Strait. Italy, after spending almost 500 million euro between projects, simulations, conferences and bureaucracy, must now pay 300 million as general contractor Eurolink, since he decided to give up the bridge. Of course, sooner rather finish the Salerno-Reggio Calabria, which cost just over half a century something like 10 billion euro. 25 million per kilometer.
By spending five times less NASA has sent to Mars Curiosity. To say.
But since I’m only one who does not like to complain, I invited a bit ‘of friends in Cannitello (Rc) to the ninth edition of “Legalitàlia”, that the meeting with Kill us all promote each year in these days, because we want to remember also a Calabrian free, honest and brave. Our Falcone. His name Antonino Scopelliti , and was killed on August 9 to 24 years ago, on his way home from the sea alone, unescorted. Doubly deluded, first because it was made to send home during the holidays cards also the Maxi Cosa Nostra, as it would have to sustain the prosecution to the Supreme Court. But above all, he wanted to give us a Calabria a bit ‘less disgusting than the one he tried (unsuccessfully) to save.
While we are now at the mercy of the many Kronos that are tearing one by one their children.
Cannitello (RC), August 7, 2015
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