Sunday, August 16, 2015

Certified online for all to Campiglia now you can – Il Tirreno

CAMPIGLIA. Certified online for everyone to Campiglia is possible. You access the service with the health card activated. Farewell to the queue at the counter, at the times of opening and closing the front office for the release of many certificates from today to the Municipality of Campiglia it is on line and you can have accessed from PCs or smartphones on the corporate portal.

The City of Campiglia Marittima, for years, offers the ability to access, using credentials, consulting registrar data to authorities at their request: the numerous accesses registered year made it possible to simplify the flow at the counters in the spirit of the most recent national and comfort for users.

So the City of Campiglia Marittima also intends to extend this opportunity to all citizens, allowing them to generate various online registry certificates (birth, residence, marital status etc.) directly from the personal computer and also with more advanced technologies such as smartphones and readers qrcode.

The novelty of the project, therefore, is the issue of certificates with “digital stamp” – technically QRCODE – technological solution for the authentication of documents generated in accordance with local regulations. The commissioner innovation Massimo Battaglia comments: “It is a further step in the process of approaching the administration to the needs of citizens. In a time when financial constraints and regulatory difficulties in the acquisition of new staff force us to continuous emergencies to ensure the continuity of services, something that would facilitate citizens’ access to the documentation and reduce production time certificates represents a It did absolutely positive. About those who have worked in the town in this way. “

So constant real-time availability of secure electronic version of the document. Using standard technologies already available and consolidated on a variety of devices, including mobile, simple and low invasiveness overall. The approach adopted is open and lends itself to further implementations geared to the generation of documents in other formats. You can also associate them more information, always certified,

for the benefit of third-party applications.

How does it work? It leads to the certification system through the web portal institutional from the “public acts” of https protocol and digital certificate. Authentication health card.


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