Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rome declares war on potholes: coming races … – Il Sole 24 Ore

La Capital turns the page on road maintenance. It is preparing to launch a series of races in order to entrust the maintenance of the main roads, along with an innovative service for mapping and detection of damage to repair. The resources put in place are considerable: 109 million coated in three years. The resolution on the program was signed on August 13 the Councillor for Public Works, Maurizio Pucci. The notices will go out in the Official European Union within the first half of September.

It is the same mayor Marino to emphasize the scope of the initiative. “Again – Marino said in a statement – Rome changes everything, and revolutionized the way of maintenance, surveillance and monitoring and prompt intervention of its streets, through clear and transparent rules and falling into step with the times. With the new contracts will in fact be required, the contracting companies, the use of modern technologies for the monitoring of roadways a guaranteed emergency service 24 hours a day, along with a requirement to take out insurance policies for the proper execution of the works’ .

There are two intervention programs that are going to go in the race, said the commissioner Pucci. “The first, divided into three lots, the MRO Surveillance and monitoring of the road surface, sidewalks and drains and signage. The other, unpacked in twelve lots, discipline a Framework Agreement for the maintenance and emergency services. Procurement, will last three years, from October 1, 2015 September 30, 2018 al. ” The call for surveillance and monitoring is worth over 12.2 million euro over three years, while the lots to be given to the work of the maintenance amount to nearly 97 million.

The actions involved the streets of busy roads, the roads of EUR, the tramway and the “art of relief”, ie specific infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels, overpasses and underpasses.

The main novelty, always explains the Councillor for Public Works, is “the separation of routine maintenance of the surveillance and monitoring, with the construction of a database that will make it more efficient emergency services’ . “These two activities – says Pucci – while remaining closely related, will be entrusted to different subjects.”

The mapping will be built with advanced technology systems, by means of geolocation and tracking, locating holes, sidewalks, drains and signs present on the roads. Daily monitoring which should allow you to repair the damage promptly. “Companies must ensure its readiness to intervene continuously, therefore 24 hours and 24 every day including holidays”, says Pucci.

The tool the capital it uses to give the “hunting hole “in real time is called Star: bug tracking and reporting on the streets of Rome. “It is a real revolution – says Pucci – that will make it more efficient maintenance and therefore safer our streets.”



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