The world of Reality has a new type of Format Dino Island Survival, one of the competitors is called “Euristeo !!! ……. a special name “……” for a special Reality “….!
Through the adventures of aspiring – survivors, the web-viewers can navigate around the atoll, with a visit to the Blue Grotto and the rich vegetation. Contestants will compete in races of survival. The format is social and airs stream. The idea of using the Reality to make cultural and tourist promotion is a “revolution” that could change the way of Reality.
An extraordinary Full immersion in the beautiful scenery of the largest island of Calabria Live 24H 24H.
start with the first new: The Reality is Streaming, is free and visible to all, also it may be added freely to the schedule of any television program, both channels, both channels in sky, Radio and Web TV TV newsrooms of local, national and international. (In this case we just report the production of Reality the airing of the program).
The ‘initiative for tourism, cultural and social need above all to raise awareness of the Island’s biggest Calabria, It was the Agnelli family, to a wider audience. Eurystheus was staked because he believes in this project and that the idea will serve mainly for the Tourist and Economic revival is the island that the entire territory of Calabria.
Euristeo (spent long years in Forlì-Cesena the Adriatic Riviera for work, a native of Rossano (Cs) is also very attached to Sicily because of paternal ties in the province of Messina), he has always deployed in social battles such as the defense of public schools with the challenge Euristeo precarious marry … Carfagna, and slogan on the shirt “Euristeo precarious … But I’m trying to STOP” and VIP (Winning The Insecurity). The battle to restore the InterCity Milan – Crotone and defense Railway Jonica. In his initiatives he has found favor with the national press also crossing national borders. Photos of him along with many VIPs from the world of entertainment, film and sports that have joined the initiative “a picture of the heart in support of his battles.”
The only reality studied “intelligently” for economic and social revival of the natural beauty of Calabria ….!
The Idea is the sole director of the Island of Dino Club, Matthew Cassiano, who has studied and created this original marketing plan collecting many membership and attracting the interest of the public. Survival Island Dino wants to be an adventure of survival of ten days in which twenty people, in self-management, will plunge completely in the green and in the soil of our Dino Island (Praia a Mare (Cs).
It is a project in its second year and will be national. Following the success of last year when the Social Reality showed 120,000 interactions beyond the most optimistic forecasts. The novelty this year: first, the number of Participants from 10 switching to 20 to represent each almost all Italian regions. The period is one that goes 15 to 25 September 2015. Ten (10) days completely immersed in nature, in an undiscovered paradise, what is Dino Island , which has already given much to the participants of the first edition. The goal remains to “live and let live Dino Island” for too long left all’incuria and neglect.
A true and their own reality show, also supported by modern technologies streaming and social, will show characteristics typical of our beautiful island washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The initiative is to create an itinerary of alienation through many negatives: no food, no cigarettes, no comfort, no contact with the mainland and with the technology: they are not allowed cell phones, PCs, tablets nothing but cameras that will be given to adventurers as soon as they set foot on the island, in order to document the days of participants. The only concession: a baggage weight at or below 10% of their body weight, containing everything that competitors will find it helpful and that does not appear on the list of prohibited items.
A stimulus that will induce the members of that adventure to give the best of themselves, socializing and doing their personality to stand out without tricks or shortcuts. From research and / or construction of a shelter in which to rest, to get food, to visit and discover the treasures of the island; Everything will be documented, as well as by direct streaming, through cameras that will be provided to each of the adventurers, unique technological instrument granted.
An opportunity to discover the island of Dino, but will also be a way for participants to prove to themselves and to those who will follow their adventures that much remains to be discovered, to be valued, to be appreciated. Why: “Dino Island” is a mysterious treasure of our land.
!! And also in the month of September, the island will host the shooting of the film: “HOUSE of the TEMPEST” director international Domitian Cristopharo with an exceptional cast including Charles De Meio, Nina Moric and the intriguing actress Roberta Gemma. Participants in the Survival during the period of Reality could be reflected in the film of the film.
(Euristeo already appeared in the cast of the film “The Raft” by Renato Converso “directed by Angelo Rizzo next output …)
And also an invitation. During the broadcast of the program, write your greetings in the public page of facebook, “Euristeo precarious” … and in the VIP group “Winning The Insecurity” will be read in DIRECT
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