Friday, August 28, 2015

Maxibandi recovery Corviale and the business park … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Da Roma in Gorizia, via Alghero and Pistoia, are numerous design contests still open promoted last month. One of the most important procedures concerning the redevelopment of the Corviale on the outskirts of Rome (card), the huge complex of public housing managed dall’Ater that distributes awards to 170 thousand euro (see article). The competition is open until 18 November.

Maxicompetizione ideas for Sogin (230 thousand Euros in prize money, here the card) for Technology Park connected to the national repository for radioactive waste, a work by value 150 million (this link in the article and the tender documents). Participation (including students) is allowed up to 30 October.
The technology park will be a center for research and training internationally dedicated, in particular, to studies in the field of decommissioning of nuclear installations, management radioactive waste and environmental protection. It is the only case in the world of construction of a national repository along with a technology park.

Here’s the rundown of the latest news from competitions for architects and engineers.

Alghero (Sassari) The City
Sardinian published a competition for the acquisition of a feasibility study aimed at creating a masterplan of views to sea, from marina to the hill Balaguer (here the tender documents). The total value of assistance amounts to 10.8 million. The goal is to renovate the building sector and urban and landscape and environment consists of the part of town overlooking the sea, beginning on bastion Magellan, the bastion Cristoforo Colombo seafront Dante to continue toward the promenade high .
The prize is 27 thousand euro. The estimated value of the service contract which might subsequently be awarded is 46,900 Euros (including the first prize of EUR 12 thousand).
Runner will be 5 thousand euro, the third 4 thousand in the fourth and fifth 3 thousand euro each. The notice shall be 26 October (tab).

Gorizia An interesting
procedure promotes the Province of Gorizia and through an international competition intends to acquire ideas for the construction of the new gym “3E”: ecological, economic, efficient (card).
The purpose of the competition is the acquisition of an ideational proposal for the construction of a new gym at the service of higher education institutions of Gorizia and the activities of sports associations, which develops the best aspects related to the use of ecological, economic management and efficiency of the structure.
were identified two areas pertaining to the High School of Gorizia that have large enough to accommodate the construction of this facility, the first in the square Division Julia, the second being Randaccio. The cost of the work shall not exceed the value of 1.2 million.
There will be a pre-selection and a single phase with a maximum of 10 participants. Bids must be received by September 7. The winner will be 7 thousand euro, the runner 3 thousand and 2 thousand in the third. Deadline: September 7 (tender documents).

Second extension (for changes to the tender documents) for the competition of ideas concerning the municipality of Pistoia aesthetic functional recovery of outer space of Palazzo Fabroni (card).
The administration has decided to proceed with the acquisition of suitable ideational proposals to reconfigure the aesthetic-functional the entire surface of the garden of Palazzo Fabroni, the realization of which is contained in the total expenditure of EUR 900 thousand.
With the design of aesthetic and functional recovery of the area outside the municipality it intends to return to an old place, its identity in a contemporary way, tying up the link with the building that stands in and the system of green areas in the northern the historic city. Three prizes provided: 6 thousand euro in the first, second and 4 thousand to 2 thousand to third in the standings. The deadline has been postponed to October 10 (the documents in this link).

The National Council of architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators of Rome published a call for the selection of projects and works for a sustainable urban regeneration divided into two sections: the architects and engineers; universities, institutions, foundations and associations. Ilvalore of prizes is 12 thousand euro (card). The deadline set by CNA is Sept. 22.

Luino (Varese )
The City of Luino seeking ideas for the development of the city (card) starting from indications of TMP, which translate into ideas and guiding principles useful for the preparation of the Plan of framing of the central areas (Piac). The purpose entity (go to documents of the competition) is to adopt a joint document to address the transformations of the central areas such as opportunity for social, economic and cultural.
For Professionals there are prizes for 20 thousand euro: 10 thousand to the winner, 7 thousand and 3 thousand per second to the third (deadline: Nov. 16).

Ayas (Aosta)
Other 47 thousand euro puts them at available in the Municipality of Ayas design competition in two grades for the construction of alternative roads in a fraction Champoluc. The winner will receive a prize of EUR 20 thousand (8 thousand per second, 4 thousand in the third, € 2,500 from fourth to tenth). The second phase of the competition will be invited 10 competitors (the notice expires on October 23, tab).

Other competitions open
Castagneto Carducci (Livorno) seeks proposals for the redevelopment of the avenue Italy and reuse of the old Forte Marina di Castagneto (card). Awards: 7 thousand euro, term: September 21.

Ideas competition also in Treviso, where the Committee Borgo Ruga Ponzano Veneto enhances recovery Borgo (prize money of 5,500 Euros, maturing on September 26, tab).

For Albano Laziale (Rome), the Municipality complete Piazza Pia through the design of a model dehors serving the local Business on the square itself. Available to professionals 5 thousand euro (applications by 4 September, tab).

Same jackpot in Ponte San Nicolo (Padua), where the City rewards ideas for urban regeneration the center of the hamlet of Rio and of the spaces adjacent the church (end October 2, sheet) and Sanluri (Medio Campidano) for the design of the intervention of urban regeneration of the avenue and street Trieste Sassari (deadline October 19, tab).

Finally micro recognition of € 1,500 to Vobano (Brescia) for the winner of the competition for the development of public space called Isolabella (end September 7, card ).



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