Monday, August 31, 2015

Ifa 2015, voices from Berlin: what can we expect – The Republic

EVERY YEAR the same story. L ‘ Ifa Berlin (September 4 to 9), with its set of ads, news, technologies, will be overshadowed by an event Apple , in San Francisco on Sept. 9. The world of technology is so, Apple has understood and strategically uses its media to crush the other brands.

So the companies presenting products in Berlin will have to divide the light and media attention in those two- three days pre-show, attention that will last a blink because everyone is already wondering “what Apple will present?”. They all understood, but the only brand strong enough to escape this massacre game is Samsung , that his trademark has it and can afford to anticipate the launch of Note 5 and Edge of the S6 + in mid-August. In any case, it is inevitable is that Apple invented the smartphone, is that Apple has reinvented the tablet, is that Apple is now the most capitalized in history. And it is so for a reason.

But there is a but: technology goes forward even without the apple logo and not always the products of Cupertino – albeit often more desirable and, perhaps, the best mobile OS in circulation – are the best there is on the market in terms of hardware and innovation. We should not then snub the news – that should not be revolutionary – that we will see in the stands of Berlin. There will be new products, but behind the brands, and in the body of the device, there will certainly be of little touches of innovation that will change slightly, and technology will improve our lives in the coming years.

rumors circulating on mobile devices are pushy and probably true: Sony will launch a Z5 in various formats, Huawei his Mate S, Asus update all Zen line (from the PC to the smartwatch), Samsung was held in Berlin on his watch, which will become round. Acer and Toshiba will show a batch of new notebooks, tablets and more. No need to chase the individual items to be sure of one thing: they will all product improvement, sometimes substantial, but always just an evolution of what is already on the market. More powerful, with more features and sensors, hopefully with a better battery life.

Among other things, it is worth noting, for those interested in the role play between major tech companies, that the choice of Samsung anticipate major launches, means that ‘large’ launch events will organize two Chinese companies, Lenovo (and with it its subsidiary Motorola ) and Huawei . A shift of balance to China, just weeks of great crisis in the stock market. Inevitably, with the growth of the giant Legend he was born in the 80s and then grown to become the world’s largest manufacturer of PC while the giant Shenzhen is now firmly the third largest manufacturer of smartphones. Little revenge from Korea: the opening keynote will be given by LG .

And the fact that the keynote will be on Lg display confirmed that in Berlin we will see many TVs: the TV for a couple of years is a huge industry in growth (and ultimately profitable enough), and video technologies are hiding interesting developments. Surely they deserve a focus, even if the prices of these products are prohibitive for the average user. Another area that produces a new high rate is that of the sound : for lovers of good music on his headphones, crates and playback formats in high definition audio remain ‘tuned’.

Last but not least, they will be the central, the automation and smart appliances . If you do not want to resign yourself to a house controlled digitally – from light to security, from the refrigerator to the washing machine – tappatevi eyes and ears, because these products have come to stay. And make your life – if not easier – at least more efficient from an energy point of view and environmentally friendly. Appointment in Berlin.


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