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The Abruzzo is a candidate to Silicon Valley biological and pharmaceutical
For Expo 2015, the Abruzzo region is presented with a new look: new prestigious identity in research and science, and aims to make its way in the world with the Innovation Pole-chemical pharmaceutical Capitank At 5 years after the earthquake that had devastated the Aquila, Abruzzo has chosen Expo to present the recipe to become the Silicon Valley of the life sciences, from biology to pharmaceutical. Lands, in fact, the prestigious international showcase Expo 2015 on Saturday 29 at the Auditorium of Palazzo Italy at Expo 2015 an initiative entitled “Life sciences in Abruzzo: a new opportunity for development.” To organize Capitank, Polo Innovation pharmaceutical chemist, a consortium company with limited liability, formed in February 2012 as part of the programming of the ROP ERDF Abruzzo 2007 – 2013. Among the members of Capitank (currently 50 members) include giants national and international entrepreneurs of industry, universities and research centers. These include major pharmaceutical companies like Alfa Wassermann, Dompé, Menarini and Sanofi, the Institute Zooprofilattico of Teramo, the main research centers of the area, the University of L’Aquila, Chieti-Pescara and Teramo, the spin-offs, and several other companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, environmental, logistics, IT and technology. Capitank is [...]
26/08/2015 12:40:00
Abruzzo, Abruzzo progress pharmacy, For Expo 2015, and aims to make its way in the world with the Innovation Pole-chemical pharmaceutical Capitank, the Abruzzo region is presented with a new look: new prestigious identity in research and science
At 5 years after the earthquake that had devastated the Aquila, Abruzzo has chosen to present Expo the recipe to become the Silicon Valley of the life sciences, from biology to pharmaceutical. Lands, in fact, the prestigious international showcase Expo 2015 on Saturday 29 at the Auditorium of Palazzo Italy at Expo 2015 an initiative entitled “Life sciences in Abruzzo: a new opportunity for development.” To organize Capitank, Polo Innovation pharmaceutical chemist, a consortium company with limited liability, formed in February 2012 as part of the programming of the ROP ERDF Abruzzo 2007 to 2013.
Among the adherents Capitank (currently 50 members) include national and international entrepreneurial giants of industry, universities and research centers. These include major pharmaceutical companies like Alfa Wassermann, Dompé, Menarini and Sanofi, the Institute Zooprofilattico of Teramo, the main research centers of the area, the University of L’Aquila, Chieti-Pescara and Teramo, the spin-offs, and several other companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, environmental, logistics, IT and technology. Capitank is also more than 240 million euro endowment overall economic (4% of the 6 billion euro from the resolution of the CIPE on reconstruction after the earthquake) plus own funds, the research centers, universities and SMEs in the chemical -farmaceutico Abruzzo, 15 research projects including six pilot projects of great international interest. The ambitious goal of the Innovation Pole-chemical pharmaceutical Capitank has become a “Silicon Valley” of the life sciences, focusing on three areas of action: biotechnology, industrial automation and environmental sustainability, through cooperation between universities and companies and supporting access of the members to the European research funding. “Capitank is a tool that has proved very important for the development of the district chemical and pharmaceutical Abruzzo precisely due to the synergies between academia, institutions and businesses that have developed so well in recent years – explains Edward Alesse, President of Capitank since July this year. – Now the goal is to make the system even more effective realities involved in Capitank, in particular universities, companies and research centers, for a collaboration that continues to determine concrete effects on the territories. ” “Expo is a unique opportunity – said Alesse – not only to show the world the excellent results achieved so far, but to create new contacts, strengthen existing relationships and identify possible new collaborations both industrial and academic.” Saturday’s event is intended to attract the attention of Italian and foreign investors in the biotech sector and health to the companies and the pharmaceutical chemist district of Abruzzo, already stronger than a leading company and a network of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can make a difference on the international markets. In the context of the event and conference we will also be shown on the news about the pilot projects carried out by Capitank. Projects ranging from the testing of a platform for simplified management and tracking of waste liquid to the development of new assessment methods and risk control legionella in water distribution systems, the automation of the flow of pharmaceutical and food products to the measurement of ‘ carbon footprint of the activities of the entire chain. Sharing the wealth of knowledge and expertise has also generated research projects applied to robotics for remote diagnostics and innovative methods of issuing and administering drugs.
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