A few months ago I had the opportunity to get personally by prof. Giannola opinions on the report that he presented SVIMEZ of which he is president. My heart of southern – and lover of the land – not only imbued with despondency, but tried as an almost physical pain that I focused the thoughts that I heard: the “industrial desertification” of the past years is the sum, Today, a “demographic problem” which is an extraordinary novelty compared to previous decades. I caught clearly this element of the report SVIMEZ: desertification, underdevelopment, lack of confidence, emigration add up – for the first time in the last 150 years at least – to a decline in demographic indicators, or to a reduction in the birth rate and the contextual aging population south.
Sure enough, this aspect was completely ignored in both the comments and in the journalistic political reflections of these weeks; while “the Southern question” has resonated because the tragic details of its economy, resulting in lower than Greece’s Tsipras, are a valuable parameter of comparison and make immediate clamor for even the most inattentive.
The traditional “Southern question” now takes on connotations and become a peculiar situation even more challenging to deal with. Yet, as ever at the moment the political parties, associations, unions, categories, manufacturers, professionals, intellectuals, seemed so inadequate not only to “change” the inertia factor agents, but also to analyze the facts and develop a systemic response.
Aside from the festival of clichés and the instrumental use of the data, it is possible that only a few – jet would write no, but I continue undaunted to believe that there are individuals Reflexive investigating the merits of open questions – have clearly not just continue to transfer men and money to the North because it takes “afloat” the South, but that continuing in this way it is for that drag “thoroughly” the north ? You can read the positions taking – again! – The idea that the South is the crucible of the Italian problems, when the history of recent decades shows that corruption and mafias lurk everywhere (Tangentopoli and Expo are Milan, the Venetian is Mose, “World of the middle” is the Roman Empire, councils are dissolved for mafia infiltration in the whole country); that the government is not only inefficient in the South (the Salerno-Reggio Calabria is replaced, due to the nefarious management of costs and timing during the administration German, the Metro C of Rome, the European funds are underutilized and / or misused almost everywhere, the bureaucracy is cumbersome throughout the country); that the waste of economic resources is generalized; that cronyism and recommendation are present throughout Italy and in each sector (University of Health)?
I read the Prime Minister said that “Italy is divided, the South no” splitting, both well with a linguistic effect but hides a cultural setting, Italy and South as only the Northern League was successful. Yet, while discussing the constitutional reform and the next dell’elettività senators, no one – least of all the opposition – he has felt the need to dwell on the functions to be assigned also rethinking the role of local governments. Because it is true that “the issue of the South” is a national issue, but it is also true that globalization and European choices have deprived the central state of some essential tools to intervene on development policies and on industrial decisions, as has happened in the past both in Italy and to promote German unity in the nineties.
Thus, the revision of the Constitution is happening regardless of the link autonomy-responsibility, nor on the assumption that a new global organization of capitalism and the labor necessary to respond with renewed tools to determine innovative and socially sustainable public policies. You struggle to establish the ways in which we will have the next senators – and it is certainly a factor that can determine more or less democracy and representation – but you do not hear a word about additional equipment to be transferred to local authorities, both in financial and functional and cognitive. So, the problem of the transfer of economic resources – effect of a tax that affects almost all centralized budgets of municipalities, providers of services to the citizen first – adds the inability of cities and large areas to rethink their economic development and their strategies for global competitiveness and social cohesion in the local area.
The cognitive element is certainly interesting and should be studied. The theme, in fact, is not only in the South of causing more funds or simply to prevent the bleeding of college students and young workers, especially highly specialized, lead back in the central and northern regions the savings of households in the South, but concerns ‘weakening in the dynamism of political, association, labor, sports and cultural communities of origin determined by the massive migration of younger age groups. It takes money, of course: many, immediately and on a few strategic projects. But above all we want investment in human resources to hold or to be accommodated after training periods in Italy and abroad, because it constitutes a more dynamic and conscious, able to provide women and men with a renewed ruling class (not only political) Southern.
Which vocation have the territories of the South? In what may specialize? What can represent a vanguard to attract attention and investment? These questions must first answer the Southern society and its ruling class, investing of responsibility new regional presidents. But the Italian government must help to define priorities and to support the project (when and if there will be).
Italy as a whole has to seriously reform the school through a reorganization of the course of study and revision teaching, offering dignity also to technical and vocational schools (about tourism: you can have a network of hotel schools and few waiters are able to serve with professionalism a dish at the restaurant or to welcome a German tourist?). You have to use the universities and research institutions to attack the abandonment of the manufacturing industry and desertification putting them at the service of the surrounding territory, turning them into huge public hub in close relationship with the economies and local professionals; providing researchers and young professionals to support true, allowing them to have abandoned the property of others (the South is full of them) and as public common goods at the service of high-tech projects and educational and social implications.
Italy face social innovation, but true: do not limit ourselves to prepare public tenders with effects extemporaneous, but we support the recovery of energy efficient countries abandoned by decades of migration, popoliamone centers with many (young Europeans and immigrants from the Mediterranean) may produce a value of the territory and landscape, developing crafts and quality food. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – yes, this also has to do with the South – will face bearer of the peculiarities in the southern Mediterranean countries and the Maghreb, draws up cooperation projects, social innovation, study and research that will enable businesses and private institutions and public universities to represent a point of reference for advanced and inclusive actors emerging in the Middle East and Africa.
It predispose real tools to govern the territory both in its physical configuration and space and in that legal and administrative. Assaulting courageously ground rent through a new national planning law and redistribute it more evenly the benefits favoring, at the same time, the recovery and reuse rather than speculation that consumes land and generates landslides. , Simplify the public administration without falling into the trap of neoliberal deregulation, so that everything is easier without the Administration should abdicate its role of programming, verification and control. Complement the organic prosecutors, courts, police and promotes territorial control also tecnologizzando to combat illegality and responding promptly and in certain times of national stress. It invests in physical connections and computer faster because even the periphery of Europe requires accessibility.
Acting for the socio-economic development of the south involves a reform of all of Italy, because the issues raised are national , albeit with local variations peculiar. In any case, before you say a word, and to adopt a measure we all remember that the evolution of a part of the country can not take place in isolation and poverty, the real and profound, is dropping out.
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