Today in Vicenza
Franco Pepe
Awake with sound. Back to hear after 52 years thanks to two bionic ears. Double-managed intervention hospital in Vicenza, the first on May 21 and the second yesterday morning lasted three hours. Vincenzo Scavezzon, operator social health resuscitation of San Bortolo, had completely lost the hearing in three years for a viral infection. Now, just wake up from anesthesia, he can feel remote sounds sketchy keys of the phone. The doctor says some words shielding the mouth and he repeats.
Vincenzo is the happiest man in the world. Even happier Dr. Riccardo D’Heritage, the help of otolaryngology who has implanted bionic ears. Almost a miracle for this man, good, generous, aged 55, who lives in Pianezze Arcugnano, who lived difficult years of exclusion for his disability. And a high-profile technological intervention, although the bionic ear, first sense organ that can replace the function of the human hearing mechanism, is not new in the sanitary field. The procedure is proven. Worldwide 220,000 deaf returned to hear the words, sounds and noises with the cochlear implant. In Italy are 7000 500. (…)
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