With easy access to prices and to the sites of online sales, consumers change their buying habits in physical stores , becoming more sensitive to price comparisons, preferring to online purchases, more advantageous. The showrooming is a practice that defines this concept as a whole, in fact, a customer who goes to the store to try and see a physical product, but then, I buy online, is applying its concept of showrooming . This new practice of consumption, does provide a real challenge for retailers, who can use it to their advantage. Here are some ideas to know how to make the most of the showrooming and create favorable economic benefits.
What is showrooming
The showrooming is a term that as mentioned, defines a new practice and consists of consumers to try a product in a store physical, get an explanation of how it works, the benefits and usefulness of the latter as a salesman in the shop, before buying the same product online in a more cost beneficial. Super equipped from the technological point of view, some buyers tend to compare prices during their visit in the physical store with a smartphone, so you see, in real time specialized sites on products (eg. forum shopping) to decide on a purchase or not. The visit to the physical store also allows you to save information about the product (with photo or scanner) to be able to compare prices and features on the internet in your own home. According to some studies it has been noted that this trend is more about electronic products, those textiles, accessories and appliances, and is favored more and more by a free non-stop on smartphones and tablets.
The risks of the showroom to the physical stores
According to the Connected Commerce of DigitasLBI, about 8 out of 10 consumers are ready to leave the physical store, if you realize, after a search of smartphone, that the product is sold in other places or in line at a price at least 10%. In this way the physical store is subject to loss of customers, with all the economic consequences of the case. How to take advantage? How to attract new customers?
The new challenges of the physical store
The evolution of consumer habits are, however, new challenges for those who owns a physical store. In fact, the environment and the way consumers must meet the new expectations, including proposing new alternatives and new services to customers in physical stores, promote synergy between the physical and the virtual warehouse and webrooming , ie the display of a product and its features online in front of their purchase in physical warehouse.
The same study of Connected Commerce of DigitasLBI reports that 86% of consumers surveyed chose the product online and then buy in the store. The arguments in favor all’acquisti in stock concerns the immediate product availability, book online with in-store pickup, the proximity and the advice from the clerks.
How to use it to their advantage showrooming
Accompany consumers for their loyalty
The implementation of a strategy cross-canal, ie using multiple media to better guide the customer in its purchase, you can better him loyal. This approach can take advantage of social networks (Facebook page of the store, Instagram, etc.), Newsletters or even the benefits that encourage loyalty (loyalty card, for example.).
The buyer can be followed during the process as a process of buying both online and in a physical store, offering dedicated app, or helping him geolocalize the physical store, eg for complaints.
To encourage the synergy between the physical inventory and the store site
For a physical store, have a website selling online, is a strategy phydigital and engage in both with the same enthusiasm and the same grit. Creating a dialogue between the physical store and the site can be based on the ‘ offer of complementary products and services ; on the location of a web-to-store , which is the reservation and / or purchase online with an expedition held in stock, with costs more interesting.
Evolving the shopping experience in the store
The path to purchase the buyer in the store can be easily programmed, suggesting a physical experience that approaches to digital: l ‘ use of tablet or touch screens to see the features of the product; a comparison of offers easy, maybe offering a access to WiFi or touchscreens ; or facilitating the method of payment with contactless payment.
Read more
To investigate this matter and, therefore, improve their business, we recommend reading our guide Fostering synergy between warehouses with the Cross-canal and the Geofencing.
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