– Professors, students, workers of all ranks of the Italian school gathered in the streets in Italian during the general strike against The Good School, the bill that will change the character of the school as we have seen to date. Among the measures in the reform, a recruitment plan that will stabilize 100 thousand professors but that, according to the unions, however, leave out a large number of temporary school. Hotly contested even the new figure of the head teacher, who will have the power to choose their own teachers. But The Good School wanted by Renzi and Giannini does not end there. Skuola.net explains the reform step by step.
SCHOOL AUTONOMY AND ORGANIC FUNCTIONAL – An increasingly autonomous school is “good” for the government Renzi. The decree establishes the functional organic or professors hired by schools to meet the educational needs, organizational and planning the same. The staff will also meet the functional substitutes up to 10 days, has always been a thorny subject of the Italian school. In short it will be the “team” to direct calls available to the head teacher who will be entrusted with greater responsibilities, which make him a true “principal-manager”.
THE HEADMASTER – The head teacher will manage their human resources, financial, technology and materials available. The schools will be able to choose the teachings and activities to be performed, and according to them to identify the needs of teachers, material and financial according to a three-year plan of the training that the Ministry of Education will provide financial resources second. In this regard, the Fund’s operation will be increased to 126 million per year from 2016 to 2021. In the autonomous management of staff and the school activities by the executive, you also fall under the merit award that the principal can decide to assign to Prof. most deserving. 2016 will be allocated 200 million per year for the purpose. In addition, for better education, the principal will decrease the number of pupils per class in order to avoid the so-called “classes henhouse” and redistribute such pupils in the school.
RECRUITMENT – The massive recruitment plans of the Good School aims to stabilize 100 thousand temporary schools, by using them as organic functional and stabilizing the chairs. Who are these 100 thousand? In part it is enrolled in the merit list of the competition held in 2012, some members of the lists are exhausted. 50 thousand of new employees will be part of the workforce functional, while others will cover 50 thousand places existing and vacant. In order intake indefinitely, teachers must complete a probationary period and training, assessed by the head teacher, the teaching staff and the school council.
PAPER OF PROFESSOR – From 2015/2016 will be activated the Charter of the teacher, the nominal amount of 500 euro for each school year, to be spent updating and training teachers to use for the purchase books, magazines, purchase of software and hardware, enrollment in courses of study, admission to cinemas and museums, etc.
IN-SERVICE TRAINING OF TEACHERS -From 2016 will be invested 40 million for in-service training of teachers: it’s 50 hours of activities also using peer education and online.
ENGLISH MUSIC AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION TO PRIMARY – The Good School provides an increase of the teaching of English, music and physical education at the primary, to the extent available workforce.
CURRICULUM STUDENT – The training of high school students is enhanced by courses chosen from those already in the program address. This raises the curriculum of the student, which contains the profile of the guy on the course of study, training choices, the skills acquired at school and the sphere of school-work. To implement this change, the principal may use external finance such as sponsorships.
ALTERNATION SCHOOL-WORK – Greater commitment from the government to the school-work, for which 100 million are expected from 2016. They will be increased to 400 hours dedicated to the alternation in the three years of technical and vocational schools, 200 high schools. The hours will be performed in the company and public bodies that carry out activities related to the enhancement of the artistic, cultural and environmental.
TEACHING DIGITAL workshop – The bill provides for the updating of the National School of Digital Miur for digitization of the school, which intends to extend the use of technological tools and Internet in teaching. The Good School also pushes towards a teaching laboratory that us productive and social reality of the territory with the schools. So it provides for the creation of territorial laboratories linking schools with universities, poles technical professional firms. For this project has a budget of 90 million
OPEN DATE – will set up a single data portal where the school will be guaranteed the ‘ access to the data and materials of schools, the curriculum of the student, legislation, acts and circulars.
FIVE THOUSAND AND SCHOOL BONUS – The school reform involves the insertion of educational institutions of 5 per thousand of income tax. Also standard on the School Bonus has a tax credit of 65% of the donations made to the school in 2015 and in 2016 and 50% for those carried out in 2017. These are loans from companies, individuals, organizations for construction of new facilities, the maintenance of existing ones, to support interventions for student employability.
BENEFITS FOR SCHOOLS MATCHING – The bill establishes the deductibility of 19% of expenses incurred for attending kindergarten and first cycle that are part of the national education system and private schools for an annual amount not exceeding EUR 400.
SCHOOL BUILDING – we will be prepared diagnostic investigations of the floors of school buildings with funding amounting to 40milioni of euro for the year 2015, to avoid collapse. In addition, it is planned to publish a public notice for the development of projects for the creation of highly innovative schools. It will be on school the bill reiterates previous legislation on the work of making safe schools and facilitates monitoring and the eventual release of the previous loans. And ‘extended the term of use of the Fund for school building projects in 2018, which can also be powered dal’apporto of financial resources to outsiders.
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