Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The House approves the reform of the school – Varese News

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The bill on the school has completed its course in the Chamber of Deputies. Now the question goes to the Senate. In a statement, the Ministry of Education explains point by point, the DDL.

The words of Minister Giannini “With the green light of the Chamber of Deputies to the bill ‘The Good School’ approaches to achieve a goal that is central to this government: the recovery of our education system through a cultural change that focuses on these principles: self , transparency , responsibilities , evaluation and merit . The school that we will have in September will be a new school , with more human and financial resources to build their own training program, Also according to the needs expressed by students . The Chamber of Deputies has been done a great job to further enrich the text and resolve some. We put the first point after months of debate. We trust now that the Senate there is a job just as profitable and that we can then proceed to a rapid green light for the first news in force as early as September. “

The bill provides for a additional funding of 3 billion in the chapter on the education system and a extraordinary plan of recruitment to be able to give the school the teachers it needs and draw a line with the past on the subject the precarious historical. From 2016 it assumes only competition . The measure focuses on school autonomy . It gives financial instruments and operating school leaders and teachers to be able to realize. That is more money (is doubled the Fund operating of schools) and more human resources (with the plan assumptions each institution will have an average of 7 teachers in more projects and the strengthening of the offer).

Students are guaranteed an education richest that looks to tradition (most Music, Art ), but also to the future (more Language , digital skills , Economy ). The entire school community , families and students including, will be involved in the elaboration of the National Plan for Education of their school, the document that describes the cultural and planning identity of schools. In the bill there are specific resources for training and retraining of teachers and for their enhancement. Continue the State investment on school , with ad hoc funds for maintenance, but also for building innovative structures.


The Good School focuses on the autonomy The bill allows to realize school autonomy, giving more instruments to the school authorities to ask for and manage human resources, technology and finance. The schools will have an enhanced organic, the organic autonomy (guaranteed, starting next school year, through a special plan assumptions) to cover teaching vacancies, meet the new educational needs, organizational and planning, strengthen the ‘ offer, fighting early school leaving, make the school more inclusive, eliminate harmful substitutes more, year after year, for the continuity of teaching. Schools, from now on, will indicate to the State the need for teachers and tools to implement their plans of the training. Plans become three-year and are developed with the participation of all members of the school: the plan is prepared by the teachers, based on the guidelines defined by the head teacher, and is then approved by the District Council of the Institute, where there are Also families and, in high school, students. It is doubled the Fund functioning of schools passing from 111 million today to more than 200 with a budget of 126 million more per year since 2016. Resources serving schools to buy everything they need for teaching and administrative activities.

A special plan of recruitment The bill gives the green light to an extraordinary plan to recruit for the 2015/2016 to cover teaching vacancies and create the ‘ organic autonomy. Over 100,000 teachers will be hired in September 2015. After he regains for competition. Thanks to the assumptions, the school will have 8% of teachers in most, for an average of 7 for each school. The bill sets a limit to the recurrence of forward contracts: you can not go beyond 36 months even if not continuous to avoid the creation of new sources of temporary workers and comply with EU regulations. The calculation of 36 months shall apply from contracts awarded by next school year, 2015/2016. The regularity of the competitions will ensure the possibility to those who make substitutions and is enabled to be able to enter for an indefinite period on the staff of teachers.

The head teacher becomes an educational leader Principals become educational leaders: less bureaucracy and more attention to the organization of school life. Will be the promoters of the plan of the training of their school which is then processed by the corporate bodies. The executives will have the opportunity to field their team by identifying, on places that are released each year, teachers best suited for curriculum and experience gained, to achieve the educational project of their school. The selection of teachers by principals occurs within territories (a regime of size less than the Province) prepared by the Regional School Offices. In the territories converge new hires: this year the teachers of the extraordinary plan, the next contest winners. It is the state and not the head teacher to hire teachers. Only after taking the teachers are identified by schools on the basis of the offer they want to ensure students. The operations will take place transparently: the principals will make public, through the site of their school, all information related to the tasks entrusted. Their work will be evaluated. An evaluation that will also affect their additional pay.

The Good School prepares for the future The bill provides for the improvement of the educational increasingly declined in according to students’ needs and consistent with the need to guide them into the future. With the good school there will be improving their language skills: the Italian for foreign students and English for all (even with subjects taught in generalist). Are strengthened then: Art, Music, Law, Economics, Humanities motor. More space is given to education on healthy lifestyles and looks to the future through the development of digital skills of the students (computational thinking, critical and conscious use of social networks and the media). In high school, the curriculum becomes flexible: schools will trigger electives to meet the needs of their children. The skills acquired by the students, also in extra school (voluntary, sporting, cultural, musical), will be included in a special digital curriculum that will contain useful information for orientation and integration into the labor market.

School-work, workshops and digital At least 400 hours in the last three years of technical and professional and 200 in the high school. The combined school and work out dall’occasionalità become structural thanks to a budget of 100 million a year. Will be in the company, but also in public institutions, museums, it can be done in summer and abroad. It will include a Charter of rights and duties of students in alternation. It is expected that the boys participants can express an opinion on the effectiveness of the routes taken. It will set up a national register of alternation that will be visible entities and companies willing to perform these paths. Always to make consistent training with the orientation to the future part of the funds that the state allocates for higher technical colleges will be linked (30%) the outcome of graduates into the job market. Other 90 million are allocated immediately for educational innovation and the creation of territorial laboratories, also open in the afternoon, to guide young people to work and to be used as a tool to combat early. On digital innovation and investment becomes permanent after the first 90 million there will be others 30 per year from 2016.

A Card for ‘ education of teachers Here comes the Electronic paper for the development and training of teachers, a voucher of 500 euro per year to be used for professional development through the purchase of books, texts, digital tools, enrollment courses, the entrance to exhibitions and cultural events. In-service training becomes mandatory and consistent with the three-year plan of the training school and the priorities set by the Ministry. For in-service training is provided for the first time an allocation structure 40 million euro a year.

A dedicated fund to enhance the teachers It will set up a fund of 200 million a year for the promotion of merit of the teaching staff. The distribution to schools will take account of the territories with the most critical educational. Each year, the school administrator will assign the funds to teachers taking into account the established criteria, based on national guidelines, by a special evaluation unit inside the school which also includes parents and students.

A call for ‘Innovative Schools’ , continues the commitment on construction The bill provides for a tender for the construction of schools highly innovative in terms of architecture, systems, technology. Schools ‘green’ and characterized by new digital learning environments. The Observatory for school construction, at the Ministry of Education, will coordinate strategies and resources for action and promote a culture of safety. Retrieves previously unspent resources to be invested on building security. Allocated 40 million to finance diagnostic studies on the ceilings of the schools. Is established the National Day for safety in schools.

The school transparent The bill provides for the creation of a single portal of school data by publishing all information related to the system of education: the schools’ budgets, Registry building, plans of the training, data from the technological, Cv teachers, teaching assignments. An instrument of transparency to citizens and accountability of institutions.

School bonuses and fees deduction for those who are equal With the school bonus, who will donations to schools for the construction of new buildings, for maintenance, for the promotion of projects dedicated to the employability of the students, will have a tax benefit (tax credit to 65%) in the tax returns. Change the investment approach school: every citizen is encouraged to contribute to the improvement of the school system. Take then the deductibility of expenses incurred by families whose children attend a private school.

The bill then assigns the proxy to the government to legislate in various fields including the right to education , the reorganization of the rules of the school, the promotion of education, the recruitment and training of school leaders, the creation of an integrated system of education and 0-6 years of education. “

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