History Article
This article was published May 15, 2015 at 10:28.
The last change is the 15 May 2015 at 21:15.
Despite the good intentions of approving Article 8 of the bill also school the Aula of the House It closed the proceedings in the evening and chose to postpone the examination of the measure on Monday. In the House we were approved the first seven articles. To record that the government has gone under in the vote on an amendment to Article 6 of which was the approval of the executive and the rapporteur. But it would have been a technical error. And the amendment shall not affect the whole of the law. The session was suspended mid-afternoon for an hour to allow parliamentarians to attend the public to the Pantheon organized by trade unions mobilized against the reform. The goal of the majority, thanks to the time quota, it is getting to go ahead next Wednesday. The premier Renzi believes the draft bill a key point of his reform package, but the measure must pass in Parliament doubts the minority Democratic Party.
Approved articles 1 and 2, ok a new training
In mid morning arrived the green light in Article 1 of the bill related to “Subject and purpose.” “Finally it can fully implement autonomy – wrote the minister Stefania Giannini on Twitter I hope common sense will prevail and a sense of responsibility.” Green light in the afternoon also to Article 2 of the bill, which relies on the head teacher “to ensure the effective and efficient management of human, financial, technological and materials,” always in “respect for the responsibilities of the governing bodies.” Article 2 also introduces the novelty of ” organic autonomy “and provides that the three-year plan of the training is developed by the teachers, based on the address of the head teacher, and approved by the school board.
Arriva student curriculum, green light for school-work
After the suspension to allow Members to attend the event in Piazza del Pantheon organized by the unions, it is past the House also Article 3 for training students. So arrives the student’s curriculum: This Article provides for the introduction of elective courses in high schools, which will mean the state exam. Ok also art. 4 with the new paths of school-work. The standard introduces an expected minimum of paths of school-work in the last 3 years of secondary school degree (at least 400 hours in technical and vocational schools and at least 200 hours in high schools), provides the ability to enter into agreements with professional associations and provides that the alternation can be performed during the suspension of teaching activities as well as abroad.
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