The most striking aspect of the MMO is their fluid nature, constantly changing. Expansion expanding a title like World of Warcraft has grown and is updated, improved or worsened whichever player challenges. In some cases the so-called version of “Vanilla”, the original is so regretted that there are users who do everything to keep on playing it. This is the story of a group of fans as well as have it told Kotaku in this article. The same American newspaper published a second study must read : stories of “crunch time”, the super work that many employees of software companies are forced to close the output, which give an overview of course Partial but equally interesting in the world of development. Finally, if you’ve played and enjoyed The Shadow of Mordor, the unexpected flash of Monolith, do not miss this post mortem Eurogamer that reveals some curious background and the difficulties in the works. Simon Tagliaferri
Murdered: Soul Suspect – Launch Trailer Pinball Dreams Deluxe and dreams of DICE
Researching captain sometimes flashes that bring to mind the known facts but for some reason had been filed, which are now part of the color of culture the world of video games, at least at the level of personal awareness and the masses. Studying Galaxy, the client’s digital store GOG recently launched, we had to do an overview of the titles in the catalog to find out if we had lost something important over the years. Leafing between many classic affordable, we came across Pinball Dreams, a pinball simulator 2D from the early ’90s. “I did not remember it was the debut title of DICE,” he thought the writer by reading the data. At the time, the team now best known for the Battlefield series, in all its forms, called himself simply Digital Illusions and came from the Amiga demo scene, old Commodore computer. This is definitely not the place to make a story of a multi-faceted reality as DICE (which stands for Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment), but looking through his portfolio is hard not to see an allegory of the entire game industry. Just a quick glance to realize that there is a pre and a post DICE Battlefield 1942. Especially before and after the acquisition of Electronic Arts. In its first ten years of life, the developer has made Nordic securities belonging to genres. Besides the already mentioned Pinball Dreams, which will add other pinball simulators like Pinball Fantasies and Pinball Illusions, we find an action puzzler as Benefactor, as different racing games or S40 Racing Motorhead, even a fantasy game called Pryzm: Chapter One – The Dark Unicorn for PlayStation 2 dates back to 2002, when they released Battlefield 1942, which starts the extermination of any subsequent attempt to test, although it is fair to say that he invented a genre, or at least gave some still giocatissime multiplayer mode.
From then until now, the alternative production of DICE have thinned. Battlefield has swelling occupying almost the whole scene and exhausted the other projects already in production, there have been more creative brackets, Mirror’s Edge and little else apart. Meanwhile it took over Electronic Arts that invested in the study both gaming, foraging the series, seen as the only plausible competitor almighty Call of Duty, both in terms of technology, with the development of the Frostbite Engine, used today by Other internal studies as BioWare. In short, water under the bridge by pinball has passed. DICE has become a gigantic reality, the backbone of the research and development of Electronic Arts. It is undeniable, however, that something has been lost in the street and in front of yet another first-person shooter multiplayer you start to want to power at least pretend to be surprised at the announcement next. Instead it is clear that it will not, after that there will Battlefront Mirror’s Edge, and then return with more Battlefield particle in the buildings collapsing, more details for the three-dimensional models and more marketing to run after the competition. Not surprising, all economically understandable, but the sadness is inevitable.
Title: Pinball Dreams Deluxe
> Developer: Digital Illusions (aka DICE)
Year: 1992
How to obtain it: You can not buy too much pain to GOG.
Why play them today: At the bottom is still a good game of pinball
The new game is called Hanako Games Black Closet and puts us in a difficult position as head of the student council of a school for women. Thanks to our role we can use some girls as if they were standard bearers of our personal battle to shed light on the mysterious events that threaten the reputation of the institute and our role within it. The pleasant treatment pastel backgrounds and the cross between role playing and visual novel Black Closet make an interesting product for those looking for a story rich interactive content and with a game system more complex than usual. There are people disreputable in the school of Black Closet.
Haley is a girl of 13 years whose Life has taken a turn left before he could get out of childhood. His late friend Quintin is back to haunt it as a ghost. Unfortunately for Haley, it seems that the ghost of Quintin is able to take possession of his body and operate it as a puppet. To make matters worse, Quintin has a project in mind not at all pleasant for small Haley: it wants to find the most suitable way to kill her. A plot darker and desolate than that of The Music Machine is hard to find in a game, but it’s just the beginning. The obsession of Quintin drag Haley in fact a deserted island where the people who lived there were killed. This island is also a building in particular that seems to hide a disturbing secret. As all of these elements are connected to each other up to us to find out, as we try to survive without ever knowing for sure if Haley or the ghost of Quintin make decisions. The Music Machine is a psychological horror game full of puzzles and environments to explore, where the atmosphere is the main source of tension. Powered by a single person, quickly distinguished by the distinctive visual style, you can enjoy the video. Considering also the reduced price, you should visit the page Steam game because it could be one of those titles recently advertised that turn out to be pearl collection. The Music Machine – Launch Trailer
Whenever Wadjet Eye Games strikes once, we drizziamo ears, because despite being a small independent company that produces point and click adventures, resists for years on the market producing more games of great value, which is the only thing that matters. It is therefore very pleased to be able to speak Technobabylon, cyberpunk adventure that interprets the modern literary genre that inspired it. Instead of stopping the typical cyberpunk inventions that are not surprising anymore, developers have started from there to imagine how life would be in about seventy years if the ethical development and technological follow its worst downward. From what has been announced up now we can expect a thriller that puts two agents against each other, divided by the limits of the law, and between them the next victim of a serial killer who steals the memories of the people and then leave them empty and lifeless. Technobabylon is on sale on Steam for 14.99 Euros, but if you prefer to have a first taste of the game, you can immediately download the demo. The future of Technobabylon eerily resembles our present.
We remain on the subject of adventure games with Alum, a game that despite the nostalgic aspect of his wonderful pixel art, part of the game system modern elements. On the one hand there are the classic point and click puzzles to solve, on the other hand we have a character who evolves in the equipment and skills, and a long and complex history that unfolds with a good sense rhythm. So it seems that the depth of the game and narrative tension go for once agree, without sacrificing each other. With seventy screens hand-drawn, full voice acting and an average of ten hours of play required to complete, Alum may be a captive of the adventures of 2015. Alum – Trailer
There is Underground unless we put in at least one video game horror. This week we think Monstrum to fill the void and, despite the idea of a monster aboard a merchant is as old as the wheel, the developers have studied gambling systems unusual for her freshness. To begin with ship is procedurally generated, so we can not store paths from batch to batch. To make sense of this feature is added to the permanent death, that in a game of survival in first person is undoubtedly a novelty. Put us well that in addition to our dangerous cargo on the ship hovering mysterious predators and will have one of the worst travel business history. Therefore, if the nightmare is your occupation, head on Steam and get ready for the worst.
Andrea Rubbini
Monstrum – The trailer for presentation
World of Warcraft
For the Blizzard MMORPG weblog approaching the day of the new update, as evidenced by the fact that part of the data is already downloadable through the client. Yet we do not have an official date – but as we said a few weeks, when it comes out aspettatevela for the expansion of Final Fantasy XIV – but are continuing at a brisk pace the details on the innovations being implemented with version 6.2 of the game. In the design of this week we have addressed the issue of the spoils, and especially those of the so-called personal, which will undergo some remodeling right. The groups will choose the rule of the loot reward staff members with a number of top awards in the past, aligning the rate of other systems. In addition, the defeat of a boss you will see a list that shows who has received it, so we can all rejoice in the achievements of others (although in reality serves to monitor the improvements of the players). In addition, the developers have plans to remodel the balance of secondary statistics and, especially, the level of objects in the same raid: for the first time, in the Hellfire Citadel various spoils will increase along with the level of difficulty of the bosses , so as to attribute a more concrete meaning to the difficulties overcome by players. On the casual side, the 6.2 update will also introduce a number of brand new mascot, concentrated especially in the new region of jungle Tanaan: in addition to having to overcome, many of the new mascot will find, unlock via mission of the garrison or earned through enterprise . Finally, a welcome update on the Warcraft movie: although it is still far away, and not expected a trailer before the next BlizzCon, was leaked an image of Orgrim, who will be on the big screen starring Robert Kazinsky and covered with the kind of computer graphics grant of Industrial Light & amp; Magic.
A Realm Reborn: Final Fantasy XIV
Even for the MMORPG from Square Enix is approaching the day of the update, and it will be important because it will open up the patch ports and expansion Ishgard Heavensward. In fact, the Japanese company is leading the work a bit ‘in his own way, without public beta and phases of each so expansion only leaked the news release with the dropper from producer Naoki Yoshida and trailer designed for that purpose. These days have been published three: one dedicated to the job, showing the skills of old and new classes of traditional Final Fantasy; one dedicated to the new dungeon, which reveals for the first time some scenarios and boss of Heavensward for groups of four or more players; Finally, a trailer dedicated to the history that shows us flashes of new missions and characters we meet. This trailer is accompanied, however, by the song composed by Nobuo Uematsu Dragonsong and sung by Susan Calloway, the same artist who sang the main theme before, Answers. In terms of the game itself, however, we point out a change made recently to live client that has simplified the last encounter in the main quest, entitled Steps of Faith, considered until now a bit ‘too hard for casual gamers. The same hotfix has also added the music of Primal-specific mounts and an additional degree of enhancement in Echo Final Coil of Bahamuth.
Guild Wars 2
Lovers of lore will be happy to know that finally began the renovation of Lion’s Arch , the “capital” of Tyria that was destroyed a year ago during the grand finale of the first season of the Living Story Guild Wars 2. He spoke developer Gaile Gray, commenting on the details of the new patch which, incidentally, also makes many trade-offs in terms of PvE and PvP. Neo Tok — er, New Lion’s Arch will be fortified than in the past, that you never know rispunti a bad guy like Scarlet Briar to attack, and players can choose the name of the new districts participating in specific surveys indicated nell’excursus developer. “Right now we do not have an exact date for the inauguration of the new Lion’s Arch,” says Gray, “but one day you will wake up and discover that the works were completed.” Power MMO! Meanwhile, ArenaNet has officially denied the tentative release date, indicated by some retailers, expansion Heart of Thorns. There was talk of this summer, but the team has promptly recalled via Twitter that retailers offer of inaccurate dates for years, as happened this time. Which means you need to wait a long time to explore the jungle Maguuma, but a launch in 2016 seems unlikely: we say that the last quarter of 2015 seems a more appropriate window, without much competition, in which polarize again the ‘attention on Guild Wars 2.
The Christian Via Colli
Del tomorrow there is no certainty
Let’s talk again of new GPU riding the rumor regarding the GeForce GTX 980 Ti whose arduous task will be to deal with the Radeon R9 390X. The alleged benchmark that we talked about last week to give the winning card AMD but it would be strange otherwise given the promises that involve memory usage stacked HBM. In all cases, the GTX 980 Ti, we have already said, should defend well by equipping the same chip of Titan X accompanied by 6GB of memory. But the real problem might depend more on expense performance since according to the latest rumors the price of the new flagship NVIDIA might even get to $ 954. A true enormity of that to be honest seems implausible even if a higher price than expected would be partly justified not want to devalue over the Titan X. Besides, NVIDIA has no problems in the field of discrete GPUs that dominates its 76% market share and could even afford a chance of kind. In any case, we should find out the truth in the short term at least according to new rumors regarding the launch window of the video card. According to rumors credited NVIDIA is expected to launch a new product before Computex, and in the absence of voices of other boards is easy to assume that it may be the GTX 980 Ti. But there are also those who say that the card will be presented during Computex and someone goes even in the talking of July. Difficult to establish who is right but what is important is that everyone is in agreement that the launch of the GTX 980 Ti is imminent. Among other things this is not the only novelty of NVIDIA in the meantime it did not forget the cloud gaming. Although the gaming world is not yet ready for the revolution streaming system GRID it progresses inexorably and has just brought 35 catalog titles to 1080p at 60 frames per second. An important goal for now is still bound to the beta of the service but that will become public in recent days. Just in time because its twentieth NVIDIA active data center, in this case dedicated to Central Europe, noting its strong interest in the game stream. But before this investment is natural to wonder what will happen with the advent of three-dimensional vision and with the spread of 4K resolution. The amount of data will increase suddenly while connections issues and the opinion of the players will continue to be obstacles not just.
It is said that things are better in the case of the cabinet, likely short-term target of the pioneers of cloud gaming, which, while overcoming the bandwidth limits classic copper pair faces problems of latency in the case of shooter or action may prove to be a major obstacle. In any case it is an evolving technology and the idea of some sort of Pay TV dedicated to video games is tempting. But a market of this kind will have to be taken into account, precisely, of factors such as virtual reality that may not even be successful but also could completely change the world of video games. It is no coincidence that more companies will be launched in pursuit dell’Oculus Rift and it was a matter of time before the arrival of a Chinese product inspired by the visor of Oculus VR. And according to the specifications it is also an interesting technology with 110 degrees of viewing angle compared to 100 dell’Oculus Rift DK2, 2K resolution per eye, 120Hz refresh as Project Morpheus and only 120 grams of weight for what is a rose. Among other things, the data sheet also speaks of a time tracking of less than 10 millisecond avoiding problems of nausea and jokes of this kind. But are we really sure that the promises of Dlodlo VR Glasses are credible? We are confident that China has capital and know how to sell and yet follow the philosophy of the cheaper product as an object like that could cost you a fortune. However, if the long-awaited Virtual Revolution were to catch on the only sure thing it is that it will be better to get in shape before you get stuck in a chair surrounded by strange new worlds. To do so could be useful the latest idea of Spotify that pulled out of the hat a really interesting technology. Spotify Running detects fact the pace of the race of the wearer and choose the song with the beat that best suits the cadence of the steps. The trailer effectively illustrates the operation of what is a sort of Shazam unlike where we are to produce the beat and that for this promises to give us the right push to give the maximum in a running session.
Mattia Armani
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