Empoli. The ASL is launching a project that involves the use of the device “Baby-Birth” to avoid risks to infants. It submits it in a big way last November. And order a stock of bands inflatable, spending more than 100 thousand euro (funded by the Region), accompanied by a set of attendance at birth (in free loan). Advertise news through a press conference and on its website. But, in fact, after six months, the project Fenarete is still at stake: since no woman has given birth to St. Joseph hospital with the help of special belt consisting of three bedrooms ergonomic which inflate with air to stimulate contractions. Now the link “Allacciamo belts” has disappeared from the site, and some women who have turned to the hospital in search of information we heard them say that “the project has not started yet.” So, the more than 100,000 Euros are spent “parked” in a warehouse. Also because – in the meantime – the training which was to end with the release of a “license” to midwives, is jammed: the theoretical part was completed, but the practice has never left. same and estimated for a period of about 6 months. Currently – the statement of the company health – the project is in the phase of acquisition of skills clinical care that the model requires, since it’s also an innovative way. ”
Pump magna. “We are very proud to present this new device for delivery aimed at increasing the quality of service and to safeguard the health and well-being of pregnant women and infants – had commented during the presentation the then Director General of ‘ Asl11, Pius VI Monica – we are the first in the world to use this particular type of machinery and given the results obtained experimentally, we are sure that the Baby-Birth ensure major improvements during the birth of the child. ” As early as 2011, in fact, St. Joseph Hospital, was introduced the Baby-Birth experimentally and under 80 women in labor. These “50% had decided to use the appropriate belt activating the inflatable chambers – explained Marco Filippeschi , director of maternal and child – and the data confirm the efficiency of the product as well as the greater safety for our patients and their infants. ” The improvements experienced by forty women who had decided to use this particular belt had been substantial: reduced strain on the pelvic floor, the total absence of hospitalizations for complications, loss of use of objects specific to the expulsion of the child and the drastic decrease in Caesarean sections. All this while the method used to date, the maneuver Kristeller is a danger both for the mother and for the baby.
The contract. In July 2014 Estav Centre had given the green light to the purchase by Bln Health Services 500 bands at a cost of 213,000 euro (including VAT), which – according to the project Fenarete (Free the mother of Socrates, midwife) – had to be accompanied by training and new technological equipment, to ensure greater safety in the delivery room by a new model. A few months after the ASL (immediately after fully testing the Baby-Birth “) ordering just over half, paying with the money of the Region (the rest will be financed by the company). It launches the project before starting the training course, in practice there were bands but midwives were not authorized to use them. And they are not even now, six months later. Meanwhile, however, we have already been spent over 100,000 Euros and as many more will have to be paid out for the contract.
The company. “The application in obstetric practice is expected within the next month. According to the ASL 11, through the medical director Renato timbered – who also took on the interim chief executive after the departure of Pius VI – there are no special delays: “The project is a mode Fenarete organizational for the development of security levels in childbirth. The project includes a modulation organization and the use of equipment that accompanies natural childbirth. The project is in the phase of training of the personnel and organizational conformation to this new mode just as it is foreseen in project
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Safe deliveries, project blocked but the ASL has already spent 100,000 euro – Il Tirreno
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