Monday, May 18, 2015

Subscribers 2015/16. More ordinary time in the South, most inscriptions in high school … – Horizon School

The Ministry published the dossier on enrollments in the first year of primary, secondary and second degree of the system of education and training.

The application forms to the first classes of primary school and secondary and second degree were presented to schools in total 1,588,781; of these 97.2% were directed at state schools.
addition, news of the current year, 27,458 applications submitted to the Vocational Training Centres (CFP) of the regions that have decided to use the services of the on line.

The families have shown a preference for the ordinary time for both primary schools (27 hours per week) and for the secondary school level I (30 hours per week). The request of Ordinary Time in the primaries increases especially in the south with a significant increase in Campania (rising from 45% last year to 51.2% of current), in Calabria (from 23.2% to 28.6%) and Sicily (from 56.8% to 61.8).

Students who are enrolled in the first year of a course of higher education / training are about 545mila. More precisely, 95% of them chose to continue their system of secondary education, including in this value the number of members who opted for the offer supplementary subsidiary of IeFP (4%) and subsidiary Supplementary (0.8%); the remaining 5% chose to continue attending exclusively paths IeFP at facilities Training accredited by the regions.

Students who have finished school “media”, they chose to continue their education at accredited Training Facilities by the regions are 27,458, an increase over last year (they were 21,529, down 3.9%). This increase is reflected in a decrease in the number of students enrolled in courses IeFP in schools and aimed at obtaining the professional qualification (from 19.7% last year to 13.3% of current).

50.9% of students (€ 263,374) has decided to continue his studies at a high school. In particular, like the high school (15.1%), within which the option applied sciences and address sport see a slight increase over the previous year (respectively +0.4 and +0.5 ). Also increasing enrollments at the high school language (+0.3).

The 30.5% of students leaving the secondary school level has opted instead for a technical institute, which marks so a slight decline over the previous year (-0.3) but an increase in the technology sector (+0.2). 18.6% of students (€ 157,822), finally chose to enroll at a College, which then records a drop of 0.8 percentage points over the previous year.

Looking at choices made by gender of students, compared with last year, nothing has changed: more girls to high school (and in particular to high school) girls and less technical institutes; in contrast, the boys prefer the high school and technical schools. More or less equal, finally, on the banks of vocational schools.

From the percentage distribution of members by geographic area shows that high school like, in particular, students of central Italy (56.7%) and less those in the Northeast (45%) who prefer especially technical schools (35.8%).
are 96,411 children who have chosen a technical institute, 30.5% of the national total. In particular, 18.6% was directed to an address in the technology sector while 11.9% opted for the economic sector. In the context, then, the economic sector like a little ‘less than the address “administration, finance and marketing” (down 0.4 percentage points from last year) and a little’ more than the “Tourism” (+0.1 ); in technology increase instead members to address “Data processing and telecommunications” (0.3).

Among the young people who enroll in a vocational institute is the sector of “services” that collects greater number of participants (14.1%) while 3.7% opt for the “Industry and Trade”.
Considering the specific addresses of the path is that “services for the food and wine and hotel hospitality” is the one that collects the highest number of entries (9%) although, over the previous year, showing a slight decrease.


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