Thursday, May 21, 2015

The planner of the end of life and other professions of the future 9 –

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Fast Company lists the professions of tomorrow. The sex coach will suffer the competition of robots; specialists of 3D printing demand

job1 In some, such as the digital nomads and then the explosion of uses freelance , we had already spoken. Among other things, the latest report of ‘ International Labour Organisation has added an element to the reflection on the balance of the present and future work. What? For example, the 60% of workers worldwide does not have any kind of contract . The numbers, which cover 84% of the global workforce, relate mostly to countries in the developing world. But also between employees less than half (42%) in your pocket an agreement indefinitely. Not to mention the increase in positions part time , which increased between 2009 and 2013 more than full-time.

I said, of some trades we had already spoken. Others, however, included in the brief review of FastCompany on what we do over the next ten years, I am actually outside what you might expect. To collect this sort of list of the near future the magazine has interviewed two futurologists. Graeme Codrington of TomorrowToday Global and Joe Tankersley of Unique Visions. What do they have borne? In the wake of trends such as the sharing economy, 3D printing, but also the key tipping the demographic scales , who works at the bottom, except the usual exceptions, we can see around the corner If you do not see already at work . Taking out some aspects – just as the called on demand or the need for companies to appoint a single director , named professional triber , the coordimento of external resources on the Hollywood model – here are the 10 jobs for the next 10 years.

Professors freelance online
According to Tankersley 2025 there will be an extreme need for freelance teachers. The question of course is linked to the development of ‘ distance learning network . A reality still marginal in certain markets but that basically could crystallize the concept of education in three elements: excellent teaching style online, appropriate materials and marketing plan. Ready your university staff.

Farmers urban
From fashion to craft? Likely that what we now do in your spare time or as a hobby, such as’ urban farming , can become something serious. The turning point will obviously depend on how small plots citizens, even vertical or inside buildings according hydroponic techniques or otherwise, they will be part of the food chain and in the families, in scale, in the city.

Planner end of life
not only grows the total number of the inhabitants of the world but also the ‘ average age . We know in a country like Italy, in semibancarotta pension. According to the World Health Organization in 2025, 63% of the population will over 65 years . That’s why, according to Tankersley, to program the end of life 360 ​​degrees become an area in which employment will grow exponentially. The setting of the last years of existence in business already established (such as funerals) as to those still embryonic, they push to design the futurists, the ‘ Euthanasia or at least the possibilities related to end of life. A end of life planner as today there are the wedding planner ? Who knows.

Senior carer What
aging population is a megatrend with which we will have to increasingly deal. Behold, in this sector already flourishing, the so-called senior caring , which revolves around the care of the elderly, finally explode. Not only in terms of health but also purely psychological or related to entertainment and, somehow, to the previous point. On the way you will live the fourth age.

specialist healthcare remotely
third point of a package of trades related to the aging of the population, according to experts It will increase the need for specialists who can lighten through technological channels new and old weight of local health facilities. Devices, systems, applications that allow us today to track activities and a host of other personal information will one day come in handy not only to researchers but also to doctors and experts base that will use them in real time. Far beyond telemedicine. Pity that in Italy we can not even launch the Electronic Health Record: we think individuals.

Technical plant and neural prostheses A
sector, too, that will explode over the next decade. It is an area that is not so new after all: the well-established cochlear implants to retinal prostheses being tested up to the news that we have before our eyes, arms and legs robotic increasingly sensitive and fluid. And yet neural helmets (I think of the Sienese BrainControl), exoskeletons (still with the Italian Neuroexos of Sant’Anna of Pisa), bionic prostheses (LifeHand2 the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome with the Campus Bio-Medico) and so on. In short, it is not science fiction. It also limited to the brain, we will need a series of extreme specializations and new jobs, says Codrington, “ and developers to engineers backup brain “. Do not think now to Johnny Mnemonic , by.

Advisers intelligent home
Another market which link all the big company and the company networks and infrastructure, is the Internet of things. That is why according to futurists serve technicians can install, manage and explain the great universe of objects smart, thermostats ovens up to washing machines and many different sensors. Advice that may often not be in attendance but will however, by flocking jobs for those who will give us a hand in orchestrating our homes, more and more crammed with appliances that we risk not understanding. Or not being able to use at best.

Designer for virtual reality
Augmented reality and virtual, visors and helmets that promise amazing experiences. However, that should be planned, written, designed and maintained. Whether for business purposes that playful. It is part of the evolution of today’s programming that should point to the construction of virtual environments useful (for example in case they need to replace the office) or fun . But around this area, according to Codrington, it will develop a true industry similar to that of the film made by directors, actors, designers who make “ virtual reality very real .”

Sex coach
is one of the oldest professions and yet, according to experts interviewed including John Danaher of Galway’s School of Law, could turn into a future ‘ niche activities. Not in quantity but in the sense that it may not remain so many areas where we can do things better robots . Why, according Danhaer, “ many people who lose their jobs may choose traditional sex work to support “. Here are the parts of science fiction, in fact. The thesis Danhaer fact is that there will still machines and robots will offer satisfactory sexual performance and therefore humans should train to do better than competitors androids. Ah: the assumption is that prostitution is legal in most of the planet.

Specialist 3D printing
Less futuristic many sectors previously seen, that of the press 3D is alive and well for years in industry and is taking some weight even among the masses. That’s why designers and stylists dimensional , that basically already exist, will be used more and more and will have to diversify their approach. Somehow, more than we could do alone hire a craftsman 3.0 sforni that for us, not only through traditional channels but, in fact, with the resources of 3D printing, unique products. “ Imagine – closes Danaher – to have your Jony Ive staff that designs and realizes 3D furniture ” home. Crafts, interior designer architect, well these old as the world for which however will enrich the possibilities of production.

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