Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Yellow on a revolutionary Apple TV. Icahn wants, but Cook did … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published May 19, 2015 at 20:36.
The last change is the 19 May 2015 at 20:39.

New York – Carl Icahn wants a new, innovative television license plate Apple and want the year next. The problem is that Apple, according to credible rumors, it seems to have secretly surrendered, abandoning for now its market entry competitive ultra-small screen. A market now dominated by large rival Samsung considers inadequate and where the new technology that would be able to introduce the product.

The opposing expectations have unleashed a veritable yellow betting on the future hi-tech group Cupertino. Even though the preparation of his TV in all respects has devoted ten years of research and countless leaks. In the past were even some of the newer features tested: a screen in ultra-high definition video cameras and built and equipped with sensors which make calls and connections.

The financier Icahn, in his latest open letter to the chief executive of Apple Tim Cook, has made no secret of wanting that Apple honors its projects: the “screen” of Apple in his opinion will be ready for 2016, and for good measure an electric car license plate Cupertino – with greetings to Tesla and Elon Musk – will be the way to 2020. On television Icahn has also pitted figures: will have a diameter of between 55 and 65 inches and I will sell ten million copies, raking in revenue to $ 15 billion, in fiscal year 2016.

The reasons for his letter-request are transparent: the raider, who has a stake in Apple, believes that these products are necessary catalysts for higher prices of the securities of the company, which considers undervalued. To be exact believes can and should reach 240 dollars, an increase of 84% compared to current prices.
The problem with television is that Apple, as revealed by the Wall Street Journal, concluded that the His innovations in the field are not sufficient to justify his landing on the market, ie not revolutionize, the goal has always been the company with new products and gadgets.

His current AppleTV, a “box black “-Satellite Decoder for streaming video on a TV, was launched in 2007. But the great vision of Steve Jobs in a TV integrated and easy to use has so far eluded Apple. So the company had decided to proceed with plans more modest: a television service online and a redesigned, modernized and enhanced Apple TV, focused on a package of channels obtained through agreements with their owners.


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