Wednesday, May 20, 2015

From cards to professors, to super-principals all the news of the bill … – Daily of Puglia

Super-principals, school autonomy, card for professors here one by one all the news of Buonascuola.

SCHOOL AUTONOMY – It materializes giving more instruments to the principals to apply for and manage human resources, technology and finance. The schools will have an enhanced organic, the organic autonomy (guaranteed by a special plan assumptions) to cover teaching vacancies, meet the new educational needs, enhance the provision of training, to respond to the early school leaving. Schools will indicate the state of their demand for teachers and tools to implement the plans of the training (elaborated by the teachers, based on the guidelines defined by the head teacher, and then approved by the Council of the Institute) who become triennial.

The ARRIVE SUPERPRESIDI – Head teachers will have the opportunity to field their

 team by identifying, on places that are released each year, teachers who feel more suitable for

 realize the plans of the training. The choice is made in special registers territorial

 constituted by the Regional School Offices. The teachers, all employees on permanent contracts by

 State, are called by schools on the basis of the offer who want to ensure students. The

 managers should make public all the information online about the tasks committed.

 The work of the principals will then be scrutinized by a special evaluation unit.

OVER 100 THOUSAND TEACHERS HIRED – In the chair in September 2015, 15,000 on support. After you

 regains for competition. Thanks to hiring the school will have 8% of teachers in most, for an average of 7 for each school.

PI ENGLISH CURRICULUM AND FLEXIBLE – Expected improving their language skills: the Italian for foreign students and English for all (even with subjects taught in generalist). Then strengthened the teaching of Art, Music, Law, Economics, Humanities motor. Pi space education on healthy lifestyles and the development of digital skills of the students. To high school curriculum becomes flexible: schools will trigger electives to meet the needs of their children. The skills acquired by the students, also in extra school (volunteering, sports activities, etc …), will be included in a digital curriculum that also will contain useful information for inclusion in the labor market.

ALTERNATION SCHOOL-WORK – At least 400 hours in the last three years of technical and professional

 and 200 in the high school. There is a budget of 100 million a year. We will be in the company, but also in public agencies, museums and even abroad. Other 90 million are earmarked

 for the creation of territorial laboratories, also open in the afternoon, to guide young people to work and

 to be used as a tool to combat early. On digital innovation and investment becomes permanent after the first 90 million there will be more 30 year forever from 2016.

STOP CLASS POLLAIO – Principals have the power to derogate from the existing rules: using

 the organic flexibly will prevent too many classes.

A CARD TO UPDATE PROF – A 500 euro voucher potr be used for

 professional development through the purchase of books, course registration, admission to exhibitions and

 cultural events. In-service training becomes mandatory and is provided for the first time one

 structural budget: EUR 40 million per year from 2016.

FUND AD HOC TO ENHANCE TEACHERS – will set up a fund of 200 million a year for

 the promotion of merit of the teaching staff. The distribution to schools will take account of the territories

 with greater educational criticality. Each year, the school administrator will assign the funds to teachers taking into account the criteria established by a special evaluation unit within the school (which also involved parents and students).

SCHOOL CLEAR – will be published on a single portal all data related to the system

 education: the schools’ budgets, Registry building, plans of the training, Cv teachers,

 teaching assignments.

 SCHOOL BONUS – who make donations to schools for the construction of new buildings, for maintenance, for the promotion of projects dedicated

 all’occupabilit students, will have a tax benefit (tax credit to 65%) when

 tax return. Take then the detraibilit the costs incurred by families whose children

 attending a private school (up to EUR 400 a year per student).

CHECKS ON FALSE – The bill as well as provide a tender for the construction of schools

 highly innovative (from the architectural point of view, systems, technology …) allocates 40 million to finance diagnostic studies on the ceilings of the schools.


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