Saturday, May 30, 2015

The future of physics, technology at the service of the search – The Nation

Portoferraio (Livorno), May 30, 2015 – It was concluded with the awarding of young scientists 13th Pisa meeting on advanced detectors , the conference on the technological frontiers of physics which brought together for a week on the Island of Elba over 500 scientists from around the world, for the most the experimental physicists, along with representatives of the industries at the forefront of creating the necessary tools to search. Five young hopefuls, whose names were chosen by an international commission and revealed only at the end of the conference. The award of ‘Frontier detectors for Physics Frontier’ was awarded to Roberto Acciarri, laboratory Fermilab in Chicago, Raffaella Donghia, the National Laboratories of Frascati and Lars Graber of the University of Gottingen. Two other awards, chosen by the Board of the conference, were awarded by the publishing company Elsevier, which publishes the most ‘important scientific journal of instrumentation for nuclear and particle physics. These went to Philip Resnati CERN and Joana Wirth of ‘University of Monaco.

The meeting held in the conference room at the Hotel Hermitage Biodola has also offered an opportunity for students of Elba open doors unknown knowledge of a subject as fascinating as the physics and its future implications in our daily lives. During the week, in fact, 80 students from four classes of high school Foresi of Portoferraio they are ‘compared’ with some of the personalities most ‘prominent in the world of Internet. Prepared by their teacher, Professor Anselmi, have supported a roundtable with Fabrizio Gagliardi, a leading expert of the European web, Enzo Valente, founder of the network Garr, the communication system of the telematic universities Italian, Federico Ruggeri, director of Garr, and Giuseppe Attardi, professor at the University of Pisa. The organizers of the conference have wanted this meeting together to INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics), the Consortium Garr, the University of Pisa and the Municipality of Portoferraio right to build a bridge with the younger generation. Opportunities that students have welcomed with enthusiasm by asking questions competent and curious especially on some lesser-known aspects of the computer world, from ‘darkweb’, ie the network infrastructure created to confidential information not intended for the public, and the systems of espionage via Internet.

“We are in the information warfare – said Fabrizio Gagliardi – The wars change according to the times and the technology is currently underway. Managing to blow up some systems blocks the economy of entire areas or intercept the news industry, as has already happened. This is why now many countries, like the United States and Japan, do not trust most ‘electronics that comes from abroad and produce in their territory the entire IT supply chain. From this point of view in Europe there is a big and dangerous indifference. Dangerous not for ‘business opportunities’ but for the same national security. In fact, if the servers are of foreign origin who says that within them there is a back door that allows their manufacturers to spy on our industry? We can not ‘afford it. “

Enzo Valente has instead emphasized the delay technology of Italy.” In 2008 we were roughly in mid-table in the 28 EU countries. In 2012 we finished in last place – he said -. In the last four years we have not been laid cables nor was funded research. What to do? The choice is to start from the school, it served to date by a line obsolete as the DSL that allows you to get everything right, but do not send information to the same extent. In this way it happened that the young generations are well-versed in doing what others have already done, but are not able to invent anything. “

Valente has therefore encouraged the students to engage in the development of Portoferraio Innovation, by ceasing to be passive usufruitori. But for this to work we need to develop a technology environment for which it was requested substantial resources to the European Economic Community, which expects a reply. ‘Pisa meeting on advanced detectors’, however, is beginning to move in this direction and to thank the Elba Island hospitality offered to their meeting chose the high school of Portoferraio to start a course in computer literacy. The first two classes were conducted last week with two classes of pupils in the first year, thanks to the exceptional teachers as Marco Substandard, researcher of, Maddalena Vario and Charles Fox Garr. The ‘helm’ of course is now past teachers of mathematics, Alexander Marino and Carolina Aloisio, in constant contact with the INFN. Fireworks in the sky Biodola, offered by the hotel Hermitage which for years hosting the conference, ideally have concluded its work The appointment is three years.

Valeria Caldelli


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