New, dynamic, functional , easily navigable, viewable on mobile devices. Like the community Unipa and also users. This is the new layout of the portal Unipa, on line with a new look and a new organization of content. A site entirely redesigned and reorganized in content and form in harmony with the directives and guidelines of the manual of visual identity of the University.
Blue ( color of the University of Palermo ) and white dominate on the home page that appears more linear surmounted from the context menu with the three macro areas University, Teaching and Research and then, in the bar below the dynamic menu, Departments, Schools, Poli decentralized libraries that declines according to content of the five universities in the single internal pages, School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, School of Legal Studies and economic-social, School of Basic Sciences and applied, School of Medicine and Polytechnic School.
Featured News, news, events and links to pages on the most popular social networks ( Facebook, GooglePlus and Twitter ) on the home page of the portal. The portal has been well received by the community unipa, students, faculty, and staff ammnistrativo and librarian.
“To date the site was designed” university staff “centric – says Maximum Tartamella , director of the Area Services Network / University Information System (IS) – Today the redesign aims to make “stakeholders” centric, and that is to bring the focus of all ‘stakeholders’, beginning external users, with the student at the center that is close to the University of Palermo and want to explore news, content and information, made more accessible and easy to reach. – And continues Tartamella -. The challenge is to make more transparent the administrative action, teaching and research of our university, making it a “glass house” in which all people who are interested can access and easily find the information they seek. “
“The information portal of the University has been completely redesigned with the technique of Responsive Web Design for consultation even from mobile devices while maintaining all references Censis and references of Law.”
He explains Professor Roberto Pirrone , Director of the rector of the activities Computer University and Coordinator of the technical and operational University portal, which adds “the new project along with a reorganization of the content of ‘ Home to target users, will allow our University to recover positions in the annual Censis with inevitable benefits for our university. ” To date, the University of Palermo holds the eighth position in the ranking Censis for 2015.
The makeover of the portal Unipa is just one element of a range of innovations on the front computerization of university services, including the possibility for students and staff, to have an e-mail with domain @ of technology platform Google, to have an e-mail, for students and staff, with domain @ on the Microsoft platform and access to Office 365 services on the Microsoft platform.
In addition technicians SIA, thanks to a loan aimed at dematerialization required and obtained by the Rector Prof. Roberto Lagalla to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the resulting investments, working for over two years regarding the digital dematerialization of administrative, teaching and research.
The aim is also to comply with regulatory guidance provided by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 3 December 2014 (published in OJ 8 January 12, 2015) which provides for the digitization of administrative documents and other information, which in our case also embraces the electronic file of the student, the dematerialisation of university book (ready for next September on the Android platform and Apple) and digital signature. The rule gives 18 months in all public administrations to adapt and therefore, by 11 August of next year, this process of dematerialisation should be completed.
But there’s another very important because goal to be achieved by 2016 is to create a web area destined to the interaction of companies and entities affiliated with Unipa to fulfill the Third Mission that is the link between universities, the business community and the labor market .
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