History Article
This article was published May 23, 2015 at 19:40.
The last change is the 23 May 2015 at 19:42.
Music, news events that happened in the area where you live, and then new technology and cinema . For young people the information is above all this. These are short topics that young people are more looking in their diet information. These are the findings from the research “Youth and Information”, made by Gfk Eurisko as part of “The Newspaper in class” and presented in Bagnaia (Siena) during the conference “Growing between the lines”, organized by the Permanent Young -Editori, chaired by Andrea Ceccherini.
A research from which transpire the contours of young people at all disinterested in the world del’informazione and their surroundings, but they are the standard-bearers of a kind of Copernican revolution, with which all of the world ‘information and publishing industry has to deal.
The websites are used by 94% of boys with the informative purpose: increasing both the overall use of the medium (make use of the weekly 88% of young people against 78% a year ago), and the habitual and frequency (47% of students find information everyday, +21 percentage points in a single school year, and this happens on average 4.73 days out of 7).
The television is the news still very present, but with a different significance in the young and progressive decline (students who watch the news every day has fallen from 54% two years ago to 40% today). As for the print media there is a drop in monthly and weekly, while keeping the newspapers, thanks to the initiative “The Newspaper in the Classroom”: consult them 79% of the students.
The initiative the newspaper in class like: 4.4 out of 5. Weekly judgment for each school year of the 15 initiative were made available to the classes three newspapers.
Meanwhile, according to research social networks are the most important innovation: 91% of teens use social at least once a week also to search for information (87% several times a week); the company accounted for “half” with the habitual ‘contact absolute well above all others (as much as 65% occurs there every day) and the higher frequency of consultation for information (5.5 days out of 7).
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