NASA SPACE – Landing on Mars 2030? Discovery of new planets in Cosmo ? The priorities of the NASA at this point seem to others, primarily for the asteroids in Space . L ‘” Asteroid Grand Challenge ” is the new program of the institution space American will have among its main objectives the preservation of our planet, hypothetically exposed to meteorites and asteroids. If terrestrial technology does not yet allow a direct defense against a hypothetical asteroid threatening, seems even more imperative the identification, monitoring and classification of those which are present in our Solar System . Into fact, NASA would lay the groundwork for a more ambitious project: the “ capture ” of an asteroid for the purpose of study. These days the NASA Administrator Charles Bolden is in Europe to tighten institutional collaborations, researchers and private entities. In video in the appendix to the article, taken from the official channel YouTube NASA Television , a deepening and a big special on ‘” Asteroid Grand Challenge . “

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