Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Obama defends electronic espionage: "From the NSA data collection ... - The Republic

Interview of President of the United States to the public network PBS on the scandal of the “Datagate.” “We have to fight terrorism – he said – but guaranteeing the right to privacy of all.” Meet with the committee on privacy and civil liberties, also composed of independent citizens, and review the operation of these programs. “We will spread as much information as possible”

WASHINGTON – The President of the United States Barack Obama tries to reassure Americans and the rest of the world on electronic surveillance secret. “It ‘sa program strictly controlled by the executive, legislative and judicial. The Congress supervise and oversee the federal courts,” said President Obama in an interview with Charlie Rose of PBS public television .

electronic surveillance programs of the National Security Agency (NSA) are “transparent” they are subject to multiple inspections by the Congress and the federal courts, he reiterated, adding, however, that you need to find a way to reassure the public on respect for their privacy. “We must find a way to give an assurance to the public that there are checks and balances” on the work of the secret services and “that their phone calls are not being heard, that their text messages are not checked, that their emails are not read some big brother somewhere, “Obama said in the interview to the issuer.

In his first public comments on the Datagate, the President then stated that he had asked the intelligence services consider what other information on data collection “may be declassified without compromising further programs”, part of which is

been revealed by former NSA technical consultant Edward Snowden. The audit, Obama said, has already started.

Obama also announced that he will make appointments to the commission for the protection of privacy and civil liberties, body abolished by Bush and he revitalized in 2011, to start a national dialogue on the issue with citizens outside the policy. “I will meet them, because I intend to create a structure and launch a national debate”, even on a broader view of the subject, he said. “I believe that my work – he then said the U.S. president – is to protect the American people, and also to protect the American way of life, which includes our privacy.”

As is known, a former consultant to the National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, revealed the existence of two secret programs, one for tracking, since 2006 phone calls and other data, called Prism
, and the other to intercept Internet communications of foreign origin on major social networks. SNOWDEN THE GUARDIAN OF THE CHAT


Obama also denied the allegations that he had just renewed policies “espionage” former President George W.
Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. My first concern has always been to collect information to prevent terrorism, but also that on this there must be a working system with all the guarantees necessary for the privacy rights of all, “he added.

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“If you’re American, the NSA does not listen to telephone conversations and track your private messages, unless there is a judicial warrant authorizing to do so. This is the current rule,” said President Obama
. But, says the American president, “people need to better understand these programs and with that they were foiled plots not only here in the United States, but also elsewhere. “

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