Magris, political crimes and emerging
-leaving examination at the start, here are the traces
Into It would be a text taken from the preface of the book” The endless travel”, by Claudio Magris, the object of the first trial of the issue of maturity ‘in progress in Italian schools. Was written by the student sites’ ‘and’ ‘contradicting the prediction of Pirandello’s Eve that gave the most’ accredited for testing of text analysis. 491,491 students are sitting at desks to face the test of Italian inaugurating the maturity exam ’2013. The evidence today of Italian plans for the candidate the choice between text analysis, newspaper article / short essay, a historical theme, the theme of general policy. Again according to rumors of ‘student network’, the trace of the historical theme would focus on countries in the developing world. Into For short essays or newspaper article leavers will include the performance on issues such as the individual and mass society; po litical assassinations, the State, the market and democracy; brain research. Into The essay or newspaper article focuses on the political crimes cases: Matteotti, Kennedy, Aldo Moro, Archbishop Francis Ferdinand. That of individual and mass society considers songs by Pasolini, Remo Bodei, Elias Canetti and Ugenio Montale. The track socio-economic status of the state, the market and instead domocrazia contains songs from Krugman, Mario Pirani, Rajan and Luigi Zingales. Into Among other proposals for the trial of Italian in 2013 there would be “The Web of Life” to the overall theme and “BRIC and emerging countries” for the historical theme.
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