Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Here comes the superluna pink, Saturdays and Sundays eyes - The Messenger

ROME – E ‘to the moon rose mme talk’ and you.
night between Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 store for one unique spectacle, that of superluna Rosa. The phenomenon of perigee, ie the minimum distance of our satellite – the Moon – from Earth, will allow fans and not to observe with the naked eye a moon larger than usual, with higher brightness and a unique color that causes a change in shades of pink.

the night of Saturday the Moon will be almost at the peak of its cyclical approach to Earth and will be in full enlightenment, according to a combination that is repeated about once a year, and for the last once took place between 5 and 6 May 2012. The minimum distance from the Earth will be reached at 7 am, and will correspond to 356,991 km.

However, the event this weekend does not correspond to an absolute record: the observed superluna March 19, 2011 was still closer to our planet, in fact, then our satellite is found at about 356,577 km away from Earth.
Otherwise, the last significant perigee occurred in 1993, when the distance between us and the Moon was only 357,210 km.

The term superluna is derived from astrology rather than astronomy, coined by the astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979, and is to indicate the phenomenon by which the satellite of the Earth is no more than 10 percent from the nearest point to the Earth along the orbit traveled. This happens because the moon’s orbit is elliptical and its center does not match the center of the Earth.

The frequency with which we see a superluna ranges from 15 to 16, 17 or 18 years. The next superluna will be in 2028 or 2029, although we will have a partial phenomenon also in August, 2014, which will be very similar to that to which we prepare to witness in the coming days.

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