Monday, June 10, 2013

Apple Unveils New Mac Os X and Mavericks. With iOS, revolutionized ... - Il Sole 24 Ore

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Into This entry was posted on 10 June 2013 at 23:27.

Into WWDC 2013 Apple Unveils New Mac Os X and Mavericks. iOs7 With iTunes here radioApple launches new Mac OS X and Mavericks. With IOS, revolutionized in version 7, here radioApple iTunes WWDC 2013 launches new Mac OS X and Mavericks . iOs7 With iTunes here radioApple WWDC 2013 launches new Mac OS X and Mavericks. iOs7 With iTunes here radioApple WWDC 2013 launches new Mac OS X and Mavericks. iOs7 With iTunes here radioApple WWDC 2013 launches new Mac OS X and Mavericks. With iOs7 here is iTunes radio

Into An Apple besieged by competition from Google, Android, Nokia and Microsoft, the attention of anti-trust European and American, from the substantial decline in recent months by the Stock Exchange, by the alarm for the slowdown in profits of ‘ last three months, by the feeling that its products, software and services were increasingly “evolution” and less “revolution”, has succeeded with a flick of the tail to convince and win.

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  • Into The keynote of Tim Cook and his men, who have kept the scene with a fast pace and choir, was built with the idea of ??a crescendo. From the latest information on the physical stores and online ones, Note on the number of developers and apps downloaded (50 billion times), until the incredible number of 600 million active users, with a credit card or vouchers are prepaid, Tim Cook has set the stage for the long series of announcements of the day.

    Into Apple’s goal was to go back to its basic to be back and convince the public that to innovate more to her heart: that ecosystem of developers who have so far collected 10 billion dollars in revenue from the sale of the app on the stores for iOS and OS X (the two operating systems company respectively for iPhone / iPad and Mac), and that is one of the main reasons for the success of Apple against its competition.
    Mission successful, with a gradual approach.

    Into First with the presentation of the new OS X 10.9 “Mavericks” (it should be in the attic so the long genealogy of names of felines of the previous ten editions of the Mac operating system, including the beta and pre-zero), then the function the new MacBook Air with a battery that lasts up to 12 hours, the new Airport Express cylindrical and then the spectacular Mac Pro, Apple’s professional computer-based Xeon processors, three times more powerful than the previous generation, which has reduced size (one-eighth the previous model, matt black and cylinder shape) and a series of foresight some minor but very refined to enhance its usability, such as the delicate lighting that allows you to see where the input / output port and which are also under low light. The two twin AMD video cards are capable of driving up to three displays with ultra-high resolution 4K.



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