Into 80 articles: this is the weight of the Decree Making, as well as the government called the chaired by Enrico Letta. These are rules that aim to simplify the lives of Italians and to relaunch the project Agenda Digital . Well, in addition to home digital or identity card in electronic format to be used on-line, there is also the pleasant surprise of Wi-Fi free . At least this time, it should be really.
Yes, because the government wants to follow the path of liberalization web access mode wireless already followed from other countries . So the points of public access will be free, not requiring more identifiable. In summary this the ‘ hypothesis as stated in the press release official of the Presidency of the Council. Free at last: reset most, if not all, of the procedures creation account and authentication. Obviously supplier of the Wi-Fi is left full freedom to maintain a system of identification access. But, with the new Decree, this will no longer be an obligation because the tracking traffic will be through the ‘ address assigned to the device.
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