Tuesday, June 11 – agg.20: 04 Technology The Messenger > Technology > Science > Space, luminescent clouds night … | FURTHER READING  Iss, Luca Parmitano, NASA, ESA, ASI, space, space, earth, views, astronaut, twitter Into Into Into Paul Ricci Bitti Into In fact it runs out of breath here is the sunrise with clouds lumiscenti night of the Mesosphere of which he had spoken last week astronaut Luca Parmitano in his first interview from the International Space Station The main Sicilian driver had given me the creeps to reporters invited by ESA and ASI telling that every day, once completed the full program of experiments, continues his search for the infinite personal viewing dome overlooking the ISS in orbit 400 km high. “Earth magnificent and fragile,” he said. And when he spoke of the wonder child for those clouds which reflected the rays of the sun seemed almost to feel, at least to us scientists from wikipedia, the replicant Rutger Hauer in the final monologue of Blade Runner, “… I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate … “ Now the European Space Agency astronaut tweeted a picture that allows even non-replicating land to live a little ‘of his emotions here is the” noctilucent clouds of mesosphere “that you see from up there. We save adding a click – and sorry if so the lyricism of Parmitano water shall be added – that it is the formation of ice crystals and dust infinitesimal dawn reflect the rays of the sun and whizzing at 300kmh between 50 and 80 km altitude: the fact that in the Mesosphere five-storey building is the third most panoramic of the atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere. A show in 3D that you can enjoy Parmitano to repeat because the space station hurtling around the Earth so fast that the astronauts for the sun rises and sets 16 times a day. And while we’re here in Photogallery more images raised from Parmitano that every day he shares his happiness with forty thousand followers on Twitter. Thank you. Into Into Tuesday, June 11, 2013 – 13:24 Last update: 19:11 Into © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Into Into WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS ITEM TO YOUR FRIENDS? Into Into BECOME A FAN OF THE MESSENGER | | GALLERY | class=”c55″> lumiscenti clouds from space: the twitter-stunning photos of Luke Parmitano from the ISS (edited by Paolo Ricci Bitti) | OTHER ITEMS | class=”c55″> src=”http://www.ilmessaggero.it/MsgrNews/PANORAMA/20130607_parmi.jpg” First interview from space astronaut Parmitano: “Earth magnificent and fragile ‘ Into Here’s how to see with the naked eye the space station and Soyuz Into Parmitano aboard the orbiting station first spacewalk of an Italian Into Luca Parmitano, the first Italian to walk in space: exclusive interview Into will skim Earth Asteroid May 31: QE2 is 1998 | | 0 comments class=”c71″ cellpadding=”5″ THESE COMMENTS ( 0 ) | View all comments | Post a comment | order to send a comment you must be registered. If you are already registered please enter your username and password or register now | | Into class=”c64″ - ROME
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