Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Enel, our power plants emissions below thresholds -

(ANSA) – Rome, June 12 – The power plants of Enel in Italy and around the world operate with emissions below the thresholds of the authorities’ competent. This was confirmed in a statement the group in reference to a statement from Greenpeace on the health impacts of pollution from coal-fired plants, noting that” the activities’ of Enel are subject to the regulations and supervision of local, national and international take place in full respect of the laws that protect the environment and health.”” Into The data that spreads Greenpeace – the statement said Enel – are not based on an actual analysis of the thermal power plant emissions Italian which are constantly monitored by the authorities’ officers and bodies for the purpose. Extrapolations are completely arbitrary, not based on a scientific report of cause and effect. In addition to not taking any account of the specific reality ‘territorial plants (emission control, height of chimneys, proximity to the sea, Changing Winds, density’ area of ??the population), are based on an abstract risk factor that does not consider the real contribution of power with respect to all sources of pollution affecting the quality ‘of the air. According to the data ISPRA, the Italian power plants and ‘attributable less than 1% of fine particles, which are primarily derived from heating and transport.”

Enel remember that only 12% of’ Italian and electricity ‘produced from coal against a European average of about twice with a peak of 40% in the” green” Germany. It points out that about half ‘of the electricity that the group produces” andR 17; devoid of any kind of issue, including carbon dioxide, a percentage of the most ‘high compared to all the other major utilities in the world. Enel and ‘ranks high in the production of energy from renewable sources, a sector in which it continues to grow.” Through its subsidiary Enel Green Power, the group plans to invest over the next 5 years to more than 6 billion euro,” a figure that has few equals in the world,” the statement concludes. (ANSA).

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