Sunday, July 3, 2016

Autobrennero, increased traffic but declining tails … Now summer flows – the Tyrol – Independent Daily Trentino Alto Adige

In 2016 it is expected the record of vehicular traffic on the Brenner motorway. The company yesterday presented data relating to the road network and the initiatives put in place to facilitate the users. While the performance of the economy is reflected in motorized trips, one can hope for this year: “We plan to exceed the record levels of 2007,” said the CEO of A22, Walter Pardatscher.

“2007 was the year with the most traffic of heavy vehicles – explained – then the crisis has caused a drop Flow while light traffic declined only from 2011 “. From 2013 there is a recovery of both light vehicles and those heavy, that the latest estimates amounted to 27% of total vehicles ,. From January to May 2016 however, the increase of the volume of traffic is already 4.78%, divided into + 4.29% for cars and motorcycles, and + 5.94% for heavy vehicles.

“A plus 5% is a significant increase – the general said technical director Carlo Costa – but thanks to a technological management and information users have queues and reduced travel times. ” The A22 is perceived as congested artery, it is actually under-utilized compared to the potential. The critical threshold is around to a time flow of 3,400 vehicles.

“In collaboration with the University of Trento have developed predictive models of dynamic traffic simulation? Costa continues? In this way we can inform users and enable prevention strategies. “

To avoid traffic jams and queues all highway construction sites will be closed this weekend and until the end of September , with some exceptions in the night hours. Also on summer weekends there will be a stop to the transit of heavy duty vehicles (up to June was limited to Sundays) and the resources allocated to the toll booths will be reinforced. More staff in the summer of users view, famously without a toll – “Only 10% use it” – and often from abroad. A new signage to Sterzing barrier, which rose from 15 to 18 runs, will invite motorists to “prepare the toll ‘to reduce payment times.

It remains pending the completion of the dynamic third lane in the stretch that goes from Bolzano to Verona. Currently only work 28 experimental kilometers between Trento and Rovereto Center South. the A22 overall project is ready but has not yet arrived from Rome the green light to the operation of over 100 million euro. The Ministry is also expected to provide access to the new staging area (100 stalls for heavy vehicles) in Rovereto South.

Among the changes, even the supply columns for electric vehicles with turbo charging , the Brenner and Affi, an extraordinary safety system (audio and visual) that snaps in the cases against traffic cars.
Positive results in the field of accidents. In 2015 were 876, with an accident rate (number of accidents in relation to the kilometers driven) by ten points compared to the Italian average.

“We have really good values, hardly improvable – said Pardatscher, who pointed out the importance of such data for a motorway not easy to manage, especially in the stretch the north complicated by tunnels and viaducts. In Italy the accident rate reaches 29, while the A22 stops on the threshold of 19. Specifies the CEO .: “This is also due to the introduction, in 2000, the overtaking ban for trucks.”


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