Friday, May 6, 2016

Snapchat explained by teenagers (all other) Video – BBC

he has fifteen, maybe sixteen. It just got out of school. Cigarette between index and middle finger of one hand and smartphone. Show to a journalist than a dozen years his senior, camera armed, how Snapchat. Taking a picture of a scooter. Notices that you see the license plate, and with a clever dance of the fingertips covers a “doodles” red. Then save the photo, and the public is satisfied once towards the goal. Within seconds, the knowledge that a sensitive information can not go to video – quite unusual for his age – and a couple of quick moves bedded in different directions here is the generation of “snapchatter.”

the biggest revolution since the touch

was by the massive diffusion of touch, due screens irruption of the iPhone in 2007, that a new technology did not create such a generational rut. Including, specifically, the so-called Millennials. Why Snapchat not only undermines the parents they get used, not without some difficulty to the various Facebook and WhatsApp, but it is also difficult for those born in the 80′s. The reason is clear to anyone who tries to download the app first launched in 2011 by three students of Stanford and assessed $ 16 billion – to Mark Zuckerberg’s face that in 2013 he tried to buy it for 3 billion -: on Snapchat does not just slide the pad vertically and press it on the command of our interest, as traditionally happens. The small icon for iOs and Android welcomes us with the objective of wide open camera without giving clear indications in the direction of reassuring contact lists or the flow of people’s updates. Arming of patience, moving in vertical, horizontal and resigning himself to the fact that begin to explore content is much easier to stop doing it, then it enters a particular universe. Starting from the definition. Simplifying (very), Snapchat is a cross between WhatsApp and Facebook: as the green app, is connected to the phone number and allows you to start to communicate and exchange content with their contacts taking advantage of the Internet. As the social network of Zuckerberg, allows to “tell” with updates that appear in the stream of friends, relatives and followers. But there’s more. First of all, the transience of what is published. If the first social networks have ensnared those born in the 80′s with the promise of a quarter minutes of fame – then turned to two hours a day devoted to Like, Tag and anxiety notifications – Snapchat is making up the kids the pleasure of sharing a bit ‘more free from ostentation. The photo or video, funny, or just ugly. And, not deny it, even those incriminating, self-destruct in ten seconds. Updates for all your contacts – Stories – arrive in 24 hours, raising still the feeling of being involved in the construction of an image will remain engraved forever on the Web. This is the “thing.” The ‘how’ is just as distinctive and decisive.

A game, seriously

the construction of the content, the Snap is the insignia of immediacy and playful creativity. There are filters to make the shots or the most exciting movies and informative. We apply false eyebrows, one gets a selfie “exchanging” the face with the person who has the side, it fits in retrospect a text or emoticons or add the information related to the place where you are. Quickly. “Maybe too much?”, Wonders the neuroscienzato and president of the Academy of the Lincei, Lamberto Maffei: “It is returning to the language of image, which has its advantages because it increases the speed of communication, but the risk is getting to a change in behavior towards uncalibrated decisions. It’s all here and now, you are losing the habit of reflection and to think about tomorrow. ” It’d be right: on Snapchat is played. In some cases, though, it does it very seriously with the Stories, composed by individual updates published during the day and viewable by others into a single sequence, arriving to be very elaborate and striking. And like them and are created from 100 million users worldwide, an increase in our borders 151% in the last year. That’s why publishers like CNN and National Geographic are populating the Discover section with content created ad hoc. For Buzzfeed is the source of 21% of the traffic. A huge percentage. A tension is an important investment: being, it is hoped, the “snapchatter” she consumers hungry for news of the future. The same goes for companies, ready to invade the advertising space. Someone who thinks about tomorrow, in short, there is.

May 5, 2016 | 17:33



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