Saturday, May 28, 2016

Carlo Tamburi: “Three challenges for Enel and Italy” – FIRSTonline

“The acceleration in the energy world, is constant and Italy is no exception. In the coming months the engine of our business will be centered on three main tracks: the plan of disposal of idle plants, starting the replacement of the new digital meters, in part linked to the plan for the fiber, positioning ahead of the final liberalization of market which will start from 1 January 2018. “Talk Carlo Tamburi, Head of Country Italian Enel, the unit that manages and coordinates all the activities of the group in our country. We are close to the assembly of shareholders which, on Thursday, approved accounts, dividend and new governance. pitfalls, always lurking in the annual meeting of shareholders, where territories or small investors take the opportunity to turn the spotlight on their claims, this time resolved without too many worries of mind. the new financial year has surpassed the halfway mark of the quarter but the quick metamorphosis that is going through the world of energy makes a useful comparison setting out the steps towards advancing the objectives of this year. Figures, dates, forecast: we explore them in this interview with FIRSTonline.

The quarterly Enel on 31 March was welcomed by the market. In the light of the numbers, the Italian Central Division confirms and guarantees more than 40% of Group EBITDA, an increase of 14.2% compared with a decline of 11.2% of revenues. There was a slight recovery in sales of energy, improved efficiency. What else has allowed the leap forward of the margin?

“It ‘s the combination of these factors that led to the brilliant results of the first quarter. The focus on efficiency remains high. The basis of the acquired on the free market? Customers was further expanded: we record an increase of about 20,000 customers compared to the growth of the first quarter of 2015. In absolute terms? It comes to about 220,000 customers in more acquired during the quarter, year-over-year. It ‘sa trend that is consolidating. Now the bar is oriented on Futur-E, the combination metering and broadband, and its attention to the end of the protected in electricity and gas market. “

We come now to the divestiture program stations: they were 23 in all. Now they are 21 because the central Marghera has been sold and the plant was confirmed Assemini essential by Terna. After Alexandria, they are in pole Rossano Calabro, Porto Tolle, Montalto di Castro. important installations and, in a sense, historians. In the list of close divestitures are also Carpi in Emilia Romagna and Camerata Picena in the Marche, Piombino. And Alexandria who opened the divestiture cycle. In short, there is a lot of irons in the fire. Where are we?

“I think it is essential to make distinctions. Of Piombino we are at an advanced stage of negotiation. Montalto di Castro at 90 kilometers from Rome, Porto Tolle on the Po Delta, Rossano in Calabria are plants with a story, a dimension and a territorial context substantially different. For these systems we launched in recent weeks design competitions. Carpi and Camerata Picena are much smaller systems, and we have launched the tenders for the sale. “

At present what are the deadlines for implementing the tender and the schedule you defined for leaving the overall Group?

“I step back. With Alexandria we realized that the road initially practiced for the central, that of the competition of ideas, impacted on the rock concrete implementation. Good ideas, interesting projects but on which we then had to do the marketing for the construction. So we decided to change. Porto Tolle and Montalto notices, published a few days on our website Futur-E, have two stages: by September 2 should be expressions of interest deposited. Then we go to the project competition, as I mentioned before: in this second phase proposals must be based on a more concrete, must be accompanied by a study of pre-feasibility and by the presentation of a binding offer. The deadline is October 3rd. Then we count to arrive to assignments, with the advice of the Politecnico di Milano, by the end anno.Per Rossano, for which the competition will take place with the same approach, the deadline for the first phase has been extended until July 15. And the two-phase will be established subsequently also in function of the number of deposited proposals. Carpi and Camerata we have entrusted the procedure to a working group, led by Nomisma and also consists of Gabetti. This model can replicate it for smaller systems. “

Futur-E marks a sea change, more sustainable, than in the past. She has led to an improvement in relations, so difficult, with the territories?

“Absolutely. If we had not done we will meet today with the barricades in the municipalities concerned. We place a national issue, that of plants without a future, not just about us. More: the problem is European, others will follow our example. Furthermore, the constant attention and continuous visits in the territories concerned create positive engagement: the idea that the decisions do not pass over the heads of the inhabitants

. “

We come to plan for the replacement of 32 million digital meters and broadband. Last Thursday have announced the first connections to Perugia, the plan is for the fiber Party. The duel with Telecom is skyrocketing, CDP chose Enel for Metroweb. The government’s tender should not delay. The train is launched?

“The issue of broadband is the direct responsibility of the administrator delegate Francesco Starace. As was said at the meeting Thursday, we have not received any official information from Cassa Depositi. The situation is developing. Meanwhile, as promised, we started: in Perugia we have launched these days the first experiments and connected 50 customers. By 2016 we cableremo 50% of housing units and by the first quarter of 2017 80%. At this point the entire city will be wired. For the other 4 cities, Catania, Cagliari, Bari and Venice, we start in September. “?

What innovations will bring the new meters? And the times: confirms the launch of the replacement operations in the second half of 2016?

“The most significant new feature is this: every customer can see live the progress of their consumption every 15 minutes, thus keeping under control its spending. Also it can request the validation of its consumption every 30 hours, then they will drop to 24. Today, on the site of Enel Distribuzione you can already read out, but to get it still takes a month. Confirm the launch of the replacement campaign for the second half of the year. “

Electric mobility is in the spotlight: come new charging stations?

“At the end of June we expect to finish the project we have underway with the Politecnico di Milano to define how many charging stations are needed on the national territory, where and what type of technology. It ‘clear that along highways serving the fast refills. In the city who can recharge the night but for certain categories – taxis, home delivery -serviranno still fast columns also in the city. It ‘a phenomenon that will intensify with the spread of electric mobility. We are doing a great job for the development of technologies with manufacturers of cars and batteries. We want to make a real leap forward for e-mobility Italy and we assume that one of the accelerators can be the replacement of the bus fleet in the

public transport. “

Germany pointed straight on incentives for e-mobility. In Italy do not seem neighbors …

“The Merkel government has actually announced incentives of 4,000 euro for buying an electric car. In Italy when the topic does not seem mature but as Enel, we are experiencing in agreement with Nissan in Denmark and soon also in the UK, the possibility of using the cars as energy storage to be returned to the network in the event of a surplus. It will be a flexibility lung to stabilize and balance the renewable electricity grid. But it will also be an indirect incentive that along with other fringe facilities can push the electric car spread to Italy. Our charging stations can be equipped with a technology that allows you to measure the inflows and outflows: we calculated a? convenience? from 1,500 to 2,500 Euros in three years in respect of contributions to the network. however, necessary that the Italian Authority that appropriate rates, as has been done abroad.

<'p> Finally, the liberalization of the market in 2018. It is by sharing the process of Competition Law in the House . And many are gearing up to enter the retail market: there is thinking Erg while Edison announced a new offer that reimburses the TV license fee. You will get to TLC crossed offers, TV, electricity and gas?

“Our demand is clear: the reform of the system of protection must be accompanied by a system of guarantees, a sort of authorization to sell energy. Today anyone can knock on the door and put forward contracts, there is considerable fragmentation with almost 300 players in the market. This reduces the quality and confuses the customer. The system should be adjusted on the basis of financial solvency criteria and proper reputation. “

Who should certify this” blue stamp “the good operator?

“The competence should be entrusted to the Authority for Energy which has the tools to ensure this certification.”

Enel, with the new board , it accelerated the turning renewable. The merger with EGP, whose effects will be seen on the accounts of the Country Italy in the second half of the year, is a confirmation. However the production in Italy is 21% coal.

“As a group and as we place great emphasis on renewable Enel Italy: apart from the large hydropower remains crucial in the production of renewable energy in Italy, through the joint venture between EGP and F2i, we 210 MW photovoltaic systems, with a maximum potential 1GW that we set as a goal. On wind energy there will also be the theme of the repowering, ie the replacement of the turbines that now have their “age” with more modern and efficient blades. For this, however, it needs to intervene in the process of permits and authorizations, including at regional level. As for coal, we have not yet reached a level where we can do without, but some plants have already shut down or closing off and for sure we will not make investments in new capacity. ”


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