Friday, May 13, 2016

Innovation, the year of change – Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published May 13, 2016 at 07:00 hours.
the last change is the May 13, 2016 at 7:51.

The recipe charges down Italy’s focus on Research and Innovation. As Confindustria him for some time we preach, and now we register with satisfaction three key innovations. On the occasion of his inauguration on May 10, the new minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, has made the same point, placing a strong emphasis on industry and innovation 4.0. Yesterday the Senate approved the DDL of the Decree Law on school conversion, key decree of the Government of Matteo Renzi that also contains important measures for research, starting from the project Human Technopole. The May 1, Labor Day, CIPE has launched the National Plan for Research awaited. For Italian companies are encouraging news.

In PNR, there are 2.5 billion of investments planned between now and 2018. It is true that resources for public-private collaboration and industrial research are mainly betting on the areas lagging, but there is no doubt that the efforts of the government there was. Investments in the country are still driving territories Pochini (about 200 million euro), and is not yet clearly defined the amount for industrial research, but strong is the recognition to technological and PNR cluster itself provides that the Government intervenes increasing this envelope. We expect that resources are effectively made available and therefore expendable. We hope that they are in a reasonably short time, today in the search word “time” is not an independent variable, but an essential element of competitiveness.

But it is not only with the money that we solve the problems of our system of production of knowledge, it needs first of a long-term vision, a constant and patient application in time of what you planning, careful measurement of the collected results, select the merit and competence and to give value to the work of those who research and experimentation makes every day in public centers as in private companies, ingredients without which the resources are useless if not harmful.

Therefore Reading the Plan can not only be limited to the budget foreseen. There is still a vision, a framework that we lacked, a prospect. Which means a lot. Several factors call for our reflection and connect to the issues now at the center of the debate, I think particularly of the vexed question on the approach top down or bottom up to the Italian research system. The NRP provides some good useful information to get out of the bottleneck in which seems a bit ‘stuck comparison. From the top there is a clear choice of specialization areas on which to focus the effort, by connecting the smart specialization strategy and technological development directions indicated by Europe with Horizon 2020. From below, so to speak, there are several programs intervention to enhance the quality, upgrading of better quality infrastructure, PhD in business, measures conceived and enthusiastically promoted by Confindustria, to a small quality spending program for the selection of the best.

The line of action on human capital is well weighted. We must be aware that this is precisely the most important infrastructure and therefore we hope that both the public and private sectors are in place the right initiatives to enhance the young and the young people involved in research.

Confindustria hopes also in recent years the program leverages generating multiplier that effect which we all hope. One to six is ​​the impact estimated in the document presented to the CIPE, which translated into figures are fourteen billion investment by 2020. The goal is ambitious, as it should be. Here is the centerpiece of the scaffolding around the NRP, the virtuous relationship that will be generated between knowledge and the real economy in the transformation of knowledge into economic value.

This is the decisive challenge for his success. A bet to win even with the alliance between public and private, which is the only way to create a critical mass, to achieve size and quality innovation volumes at least comparable to our competitors. You do not do anything by themselves, will not lose value without the pooling of knowledge. Public research can become a major research and development department spread for the company that can not afford investments and structures so difficult.

Then there is the transformation of the strategic plan in the executive, that is, in fact. The operational start of the program shall be in sharp break with what happened so far in many cases. The disappointment of many companies that have joined the national cluster in the hope that it was the right opportunity to define agendas and public-private partnership programs is still alive.

Today the Italian research has a governance structure, selection and evaluation of programs, efficient and able to manage complex plans. Whatever the structure that the government will choose, it is clear that we must get out of the traditional schemes. You must create a strong discontinuity that lines up with systems that have made research a strategic lever for growth. 2016 for Italy could really be the turning point.

Confindustria Vice President for Research and Innovation



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