ROME – from 30 May for five days in Rome, of 450 leading scientists and world experts in nuclear fusion research will discuss the achievements and the most important innovations in the path to reproduce the energy of the stars mechanisms and ensuring an inexhaustible source, safe and clean, in able to meet growing energy consumption. The event is organized by Enea , the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, the leading giant merger challenge that sees our country in the first row in the programs International Iter, Demo, Broader Approach and the EU in the agency Fusion for Energy (F4E).
the ENEA research Institute in Frascati, world-class location visited by Bill Gates, is the national coordinator for the project Iter (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) , the machine for melting under construction in France, at Cadarache. (READ THE DEEPENING: Iter, the energy of the future is like that of the Sun)
“The scientific and economic implications are of great rilievo- signals ENEA- to today over 1 billion for Italian companies realize the components (including Ansaldo Nucleare, ASG Superconductors, Walter Tosto and SIMIC): it’s almost 60% of the value of European orders for the manufacture of high-tech components . And the goal is to generate new contracts for hundreds of millions of Euros over the next five years. “
” But the real challenge that our country is trying to play is to win over an EU project to 500 million to build in Italy an experimental machine, the divertor tokamak Test (DTT), to provide scientific answers, technical and crucial technology in innovative energy sources “field that Aeneas would develop in collaboration with CNR, INFN, Create (research Consortium for energy, automation and technologies of electromagnetism) and many of the most prestigious Italian universities. The Italian government has included the project, a milestone in the road map towards nuclear fusion, among the initiatives to be financed with funds from the Competitiveness recently activated by the ‘Junker Plan’.
“The DTT made in Italy – explains Aldo Pizzuto, Director of the Department Merger dell’Enea- would be one of the scientific laboratories of the most important in the world after the one for ITER; will involve more than 250 researchers and technicians and give impetus to the domestic industry with a significant impact from the point of view of employment and competitiveness. “ The technology of DTT made in Italy would be the same as for Iter, but with the added possibility of testing with advanced materials, using a patented technique Enea . The goal is to experiment with innovative solutions designed to solve one of the major critical issues of the merger process, ie the disposal of energy in fusion reactors, the central theme of the event in Rome.
Although in Italy took place in the recent past events of great importance for the merger, it is the first time that our country hosts the International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, now in its 22nd edition. “The fact that the plasma Conference takes place for the first time in Italy is an important recognition by the international scientific community, the progress and significant results we have achieved in this area. A significant contribution to the implementation of DTT in our country, “says researcher George Enea Maddaluno. “DTT is the link between Iter, the largest experiment in the world that will have to demonstrate the ability to obtain plasma able to sustain the fusion reaction, and Demo, the demonstration plant whose main purpose will be to produce electricity the fusion reaction by 2050, “adds the researcher Enea Flavio Crisanti. From the 60 Enea is the protagonist in nuclear fusion research and participate actively in the implementation of ITER, contributing to the definition of the physical scenarios and design of components and systems for diagnostics and for plasma heating. The Enea activities, initially dedicated above all to have plasma physics, then evolved into a complex system of physics, technology and engineering that sees the protagonist and coordinator agency of the national program.
May 31 2016
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