“We are explorers, inventors, architects of change. And builders of a better tomorrow. We fight, we dream, inspire, always aiming to improve. The adverse situations, the risks, the challenges faced are not nothing but make us stronger. our imagination is limitless. And without limits is also our civilization. “
it is presented as well, in the course of the day yesterday, civilization VI . A summary of the history of our species, of his accomplishments, of that gigantic, fascinating yet often tragic epic called mankind, which we carry ourselves the torch. After all, that’s what Civilization has always tried to do: put us in front of the phases of the planet’s civilization (or, as in the case of Beyond Earth , even beyond of it), facendocele retrace, even choosing, giving us the opportunity to weigh what matters most-the culture, progress, an army capable of defending and attacking, or perhaps the wonders that will allow to affect our names in history?
The choice has always been in the hands of man. And, by virtual wise leaders, we must do our moves in this new episode, which promises many innovations for a tried and tested formula and appreciated, which allowed, since 1991, to exceed the 33 million copies sold.
Burn the city, but not all
to give us our chance to leave a mark on our planet gaming, the guys at Firaxis-led by
Having specific districts that can deal with different tasks in different boxes (which will be up to 36 single city) also changes significantly the military approach that you might decide to fielding: declare war on a city that has built military districts within its boundaries may not be a good idea. Conversely, you may meditate to attack and destroy the district in which they produce the tanks to significantly weaken the enemy formation, or maybe most economically thriving to leave the enemy city dry of precious coins. Obviously, it is also true in reverse: if your small civilization were to find themselves undergoing the attack of a large empire, for example, you’ll make hard choices: the developers have explained that you have to for example choose to leave at their mercy some resources, the less important for you, as you attempt to reorganize in order to resist the siege of the most important parts of the city. It would make sense, therefore, to defend the war production areas, ending perhaps with sacrificing other resources not immediately required for the clash.
Firaxis explained that he came to this solution for cities with the desire to avoid they always fall within repetitive pattern, so desirous of a greater variety and drag players out of their comfort zone, pushing them to groped new strategies and adapt to different situations. To succeed in this endeavor, however, the renewed city are flanked further changes.
The land that was given to us
The territory in which there will end up in Civilization VI will play a key role within your game: as noted earlier, in fact, the city will be affected by the resources on which will be surrounded in every way. The possibilities that have been offered by nature, and of course our strategic decision on where to base our population centers, will in fact, to influence the scientific evolution of our civilization. If, in Civilization V , the search was limited to a screen with a tree diagram in which you had to simply click an option and wait for the shifts needed to learn their secrets, this time the developers have decided to follow a different path, making us participate actively in the conquest of new technological frontiers.
First of all, the territory, precisely if, previously, even the town rooted in the hinterland driest could easily learn and discover navigation (never mind the fact that he did not know even the existence of ‘ocean) this time the proximity to actual resources related to our resources will allow to halve the learning curve of the new science. To stay in the example of Naval Research, try to study it in a port city will take half the time, and will therefore be encouraged. By contrast, it will be difficult and slow to try to study the working of stone, if not we will have this resource. Or, ask our scientists to study astronomy will be complicated, if there will be a mountain near the city in which to situate our observatory. That’s not all: to make things more interesting, as we mentioned a few lines ago, we ourselves summoned to learning new sciences, with small sub-missions that we will have to complete to enable continuation in the studies of the forthcoming technologies . Also in the case of navigation, for example, our scholars will ask us at some point to have a certain type of ships in order to continue, thus improving our knowledge of the discipline.
The importance of resources of our country is such that the latter will influence even the coveted Wonders that we will have the opportunity to build and show off: so forget to build your beautiful Pyramids if you do not have a desert, or to show off as if Stonehenge you do not have a stone quarry. You will have to act wisely even when you build some important structures of your city to make sure that your research laboratories give the desired results, for example, it is good that they are close to the forests, rich in natural resources and creatures to be put under scrutiny . There will be short, a perfect role for each box, in which the game will guide you with an extensive tutorial and which will provide all the suggestions of the event, if you will like them; to simplify the task, the developers have also included a system that allows you to highlight with different colors (at your discretion) the boxes, thus enabling you to see with a quick glance those ideal for agriculture, those for the production centers and so on.
it appears in fact quite clear that the opportunities offered by the area in which we will have a key role in Civilization VI , and will force the player to adapt even more anchored to patterns acquired in previous episodes.
you have to know who you’re dealing
He said Aldous Huxley, in his breakthrough Brave New World , that “there is no civilization without social stability, and there is no social stability without individual stability.” For every great civilization, even in Civilization VI , corresponds a great leader, from whose just mentioned individual stability depend on the attitudes and thus the fate of their nation. But remember, Civilization V , the leader whose personality was very difficult to interpret, all similar to each other, and they could end up with the declare to war simply because yes. Something quite irritating, if it happened while you were busy making your wonders, and you found yourself invaded by a not too sympathetic thousand angry Ottomans. Things, fortunately, will go differently in this new episode: developers in fact they believed that just the AI of the leaders, and all the diplomacy system, were one of the less successful points of the fifth episode, which is why they decided to concentrating most of their efforts on the renewal of these mechanical.
once again, therefore, civilizations will be guided by a leader, but will have a set of plans and goals to be achieved. The personalities will be different and we will have to gradually learn to know the interests and inclinations, aware of a fundamental element within the plans of the leaders, there’s always been a historically accurate . Firaxis has explained that, for example, a past leader to history for his patronage will also seek to build numerous and extraordinary marvels in Civilization VI . All very charming, if there was a risk that that is our ambition. When the leader in question find that it was you who built the Pyramids, ripping out this possibility, will begin to despise and even will risk it decides to attack you.
The different leaders will then have very different interests and inclinations, learned to know them and treat us (with methods and options that we have not yet been disclosed) we will be skilled enough to keep them as allies, falling to some useful compromise. Discover their weaknesses, in fact, does not necessarily close the thing with weapons in hand. After all, it is diplomacy that we are talking about, even if the decision in the negotiations with other nations will be solely and uniquely your own.
If there is no right to make you feel sympathetic towards this or that civilization, inevitably, it will be used to spear, sword or rifle, based at the time in which you have arrived. After the news that we have already explained to the battles of Civilization V , which the authors have liked very much to the strategic mechanical rock-paper-scissors that were created between the different units, in Civilization VI there will be some tweaking: Firaxis took the view that the single unit of management for every little box would create an unpleasant overcrowding in war time, and decided to offer the ability to merge some units, strictly of the same type, to create the larger bodies and more powerful. By combining two or three units of tanks, for example, you will have a body, and you can do the same with ground troops or by the archers, to name a few. In addition, other military resources that were managed in the previous individually, such as turrets, will now be considered supportive, and it will assign to the units, to which accorperanno. As explained by the authors, the intent is in fact to have a clearer and more manageable battlefield, without sacrificing quell’eterogeneità and mechanical ones that have been particularly appreciated in Civilization V .
for the time being, it was reported that there will be news even for the multiplayer segment, which have not been disclosed yet, however. Pending any further information coming soon, so you can only stay on our pages.
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