CALTANISSETTA – receive and publish.
After the ‘ excess of countless reviews of the day after publication, it is very important to take back and re-read the apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis Amoris laetitia to make an indicative text aimed at developing mature attention of the ecclesial community to the family. In addition, the post-synodal exhortation seems a useful document to help people understand the whole society the idea that Catholics have the family that owns an inescapable social and political dimension in a broad sense. Who would have expected, in the Catholic front, innovations in the field of canon law or moral theology classes and those who hoped, in extra-ecclesial front, decisions not in line with the rich and plural traditions of the Church, will surely be disappointed. In fact, the reflection of the Pope does not propose a novelty to be announced and to exhibit to today’s society to be in line with a certain individualism that exacerbates the rights and forget their responsibilities. Francis, however, puts forward a shepherd the Church’s reflection and the development of the text is deeply connected to the pastoral dimension.
Only with this perspective we can see that the novelty dell’Amoris laetitia It resides in the enunciation of proactive attitude to the countless resources and the many difficulties facing the families of believers at this historic juncture. Thus, the new document is to read – in the light of the gospel – the complexities and the hopes of the family of our times which are characterized by the production and technological frenzy that affects deeply and negatively all human relationships. So, the only change in the text is actually declared the effect of perennial relevance of the gospel, who reinterprets each story to give her a sense of fulfillment. This is an effort promoted by the exhortation of Francis on the family.
The fruit of the Synod of Bishops works, the Amoris laetitia is a long, full-bodied text in nine chapters embraces several issues: the interpretation of biblical education of children the family; the spirituality of marriage to fertility; from family fragility to the pastoral challenges of our time; sex education to the transmission of the faith.
In reflecting on the education of children, the Pope uses the title of a paragraph the “patient realism” expression – in my opinion – sums up the underlying attitude of the whole document. In fact, the joy of love in the family is the result, starting from the Holy Spirit, a patient’s realism in the relationship between the spouses, the education of children, in the accompaniment of fragility in the recovery and promotion of those erroneously perceive as excommunicated from the Church.
at the same time, in my opinion, the Amoris laetitia advances on the one hand the absolute centrality of the year double ministry within the community ecclesial which must finally recognize the importance, even in the pastoral area of that ministry with its commitment in terms of training and responsibility; on the other hand, it proposes a method of discernment before the choices about family policies of the Member who is not connected to the closures, prohibitions, the ideological opposition but to the strength of the proposal from the joy of love of the family, therefore, the same Christian witness. The latter, as indirectly says the anonymous wrote to Diognetus, it can not be constituted as a coercive power before the laws of the political community, but as a proposal based on the logic of faith.
so, the Amoris laetitia is a text which – like Evangelii gaudium and Praised yes – is aimed, first of all, within the ecclesial community so that it can mature and discerning a series of attitudes produced by the reading of history sub light evangelii who are able, in turn, to promote innovations also in the social and public-policy.
Rocco Gumina
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