Sunday, May 15, 2016

Just ask MARONI Health care and work: from the facts the answers – The Day

HELLO PRESIDENT here in Varese is months, if not years, which is discussed on hospitals and health facilities. Now I understand the region is willing to invest. In the papers we read something, we Explain better?
Lorenzo, Varese
CARO LORENZO I brought my own Government in Varese a week ago to approve funding for health facilities: it will be a real revolution in the Varese hospital system. I summarize for brevity. Meanwhile they have 230 millions in the Lombardy Regional Council which I chair, has allocated to fund healthcare building projects throughout the region. Speaking of Varese 32 million euro for Ats dell’Insubria .: 18506066 euro for Asst Seven Lakes: 16,440,000: for the Hospital Macchi Varese for new Day Center 2 for daytime activities and demolition of existing pavilions; 2,066,066 for commissioning support under and safety, renovation of health facilities and the technological heritage, work on properties that ensure an economic benefit. L ‘Asst Olona Valley will have 6,554,242 Euros: 4,800,000 for the Hospital of Gallarate for regulatory and technological adaptation of the emergency department and intensive care unit of the Pavilion Polichirurgico; 1,754,242 Euros for commissioning support under and safety, renovation of health facilities and the technological heritage, work on properties that ensure an economic benefit. And finally ASST Lariana € 7,606,090, of which 6,700,000 for the Hospital Pdi Mariano Comense for rationalization of services for acute and territorial and 906,090 for commissioning support under and safety, renovation of health facilities and heritage technology, work on properties that ensure an economic benefit. I believe, dear Lorenzo, we have made a great investment for all our territory and to meet the health needs of all

CARO President, I really tried everything. But this blessed work does not come out. I do not know where to turn in search for work and carry out at least a decent life. An acquaintance of mine told me that something you do. It’s true? I do know?
Claudio, Milan
DEAR LORENZO Region – under my thrust – has developed a “Project into the workforce” for people like you . Here’s what is: 300 EUR per month for up to six months by way of compensation for attending, so you can carry out training courses and return-to-work, and this is called single Dote. Who can benefit all those who like you have been unemployed for more than 36 months and does not receive other income support. The ISEE indicator reference must be equal to or less than 20,000 Euros. Need to go to one of our regional offices in the region and is accessed through this Dote of accredited operators.

GOOD MORNING President this morning, while I was in line for payment of car tax, I I remembered that there was the proposal for the abolition of the car tax. Any news?
DEAR BARBARA, the total elimination of the road tax is only possible by holding 75% of our taxes here in Lombardy. Conversely, the government not only has not kept its promise to apply the standard costs, but imposed additional cuts. Nevertheless we were able to introduce a discount of 10% on payment of car tax, for those who pay by direct debit, and exemption from paying for mopeds.

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