will march in the Mille Miglia in 2016. The car will be the star of the 2016 edition of the Mille Miglia. Follow it on the racetrack, the BMW 328 led by President and CEO of BMW Italy, Sergio Solero. “We thought the theme of the Mille Miglia, Italy and the future,” he said president and founder of Garage Italian Customs, Lapo Elkann , “and the possibility of combine the art of futurism, which sees Giacomo Balla as a reference point, with a car of the future. the BMW i8 Futurism Edition is an exercise in style that allowed the Maestros of Italian Customs Garage to celebrate a coach looking to the future mobility and at the same time the Italian art of Giacomo Balla, a prominent advocate of the Futurist movement. “
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