They will work in research centers of Naples, Salerno, Lecce, Cosenza, Catanzaro, Trapani and Catania eleven researchers whose applied research projects were selected from fourth edition of the call “Brains2South” With the South promoted by the Foundation. the young researchers (five men and six women, average age 38 years ) will receive a private funding grant of 3.36 million euro, with an average of € 306mila initiative . Several areas of reference: nanotechnology, engineering, environment, food and agriculture, geology and especially medicine. The researchers (including two foreigners) to date have conducted their business abroad or in Italy, outside the southern regions. But now develop their activities in university departments and research centers of Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.
The aim of the call now in its fourth edition, it was just what ” attracting “youth excellence in research centers and university departments of the South. Among the news in 2016 that the proposals were submitted directly by researchers with expertise in science and technology, who indicated host South institution where develop it. Here the researcher will have the role of “scientific advisor” and will lead the research project under its own responsibility, without the control of a supervisor. The host to the advantage is to have the opportunity to enhance and improve the quality of internal research, with new skills and experience from different areas of the world. The Foundation’s funding will cover the research costs and those related to his research proposal (for example, the necessary equipment, human resources support, supplies, etc …).
“With this announcement, as was done for other things, with the initiative “the common good returns” for the exploitation of unused space, we wanted to introduce a trial for mark a tendency of opening the bottom of the best ideas, selecting them by addressing directly upstream to young researchers, independent research centers in which could be realized “explains Carlo Borgomeo, president of the Foundation With the South.” We very satisfied for the high quality of the proposals received and the degree of applicability and impact of the research, because we give a chance to talented and Southern universities, finally, because we are launching an important signal to the world of scientific research to greater social innovation.
<'p> a single regret Borgomeo: “Out of more than 100 proposals received will 34 were evaluated positively, but we have been able to fund only 11 , depriving this opportunity other 23 young researchers, noting once again that there is a great question and a huge potential of development policies should take into account. “
After all just think that foreign researchers in our country is only 3% (detection National Bureau of Economic Research), compared to 16% of Italian researchers who decide to pursue their activity abroad.
According to a recent study by Censis for Confcooperative also in 2013 well 26 thousand graduates with an average age of 34 years have left the regions of the South moving to the northern regions and other 5 thousand have left the South to go abroad. in just one year, therefore, 31 thousand graduates have decided to spend elsewhere the wealth of expertise acquired studying in their home territory. Whereas the expenditure per student supported by the Italian government for the whole curriculum (from primary school until graduation) amounted to 108 thousand Euros (estimate OECD), failure to return the investment made by our country, with reference to the 5 thousand southern graduates who in 2013 left Italy, amounted to 540 million euro in a year. If you refer to the 26 thousand southern graduates who are now living in the Centre-North, the economic impact can be measured in just over 2.8 billion euro. In total, we get to 3.3 billion euro: a Reduction of opportunities for those areas that have contributed to form a potentially strategic capital for the future.
As for applied research projects that will be supported many are in the biomedical field (the research against cancer and parkinson, cardiology, diagnostics, study for bone implants with cork derivatives), agri-food, environment (marine pollution, geology, overfishing) and photonics (fiber optics).
opening photo of Adalberto Roque / AFP / Getty Images
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