Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Agriculture 2.0: drones, sensors and technology to the farmers service … – The Daily

agriculture 2.0 . Over Expo . It is more and more hi-tech , also because it is increasingly made by young . A who likes because it offers that work is lacking in many other areas. Because it brings back the tradition, but it is so different from agriculture grandparents. Drones , sensors, 3D maps . Another planet, to which there is always more attention : to 35 thousand new assumptions in the agricultural sector between September 2014 and September 2015, was followed in fact a boom in registrations in the technical schools , in hotels and in the agricultural professional. They are the peasants of the future. Yet, according to Nomisma , the generation change is already in place: 43 percent of the farmers is interested in the drones. And while the National Research Council launches its ‘ Hephaestus ‘ to save on water and pesticides, the Fieragricola of Verona represented an open window on a world to discover: from bomber of the corn to the tractor that you drive alone. To help investment, then, there is also ‘ Generate Campolibero ‘, from 160 million government plan for young people entrepreneurs who want to open a business.

tHE YOUNG DAMAGE tO AGRICULTURE – Something has changed: from school to the choice of university faculty . The story of the boys who leave long campaigns is no longer everyday reality, especially in some areas of the country. And the numbers confirm this. One of the springs, for example, is the source of employment : between September 2014 and September 2015, in the agricultural sector there have been 35 thousand new jobs, of these almost 20 thousand between the Under-30 . For a total of over 246mila occupied more. And the results of this trends are also visible in the formation. In the school year 2015-2016, were 61 thousand subscribers to secondary schools . Are all the schools related to ‘ Food and wine and hotel (46 thousand subscribers), while they were 15 thousand students enrolled at technical and vocational schools landowners, registering an increase of 44 percent over the previous year. According to a survey conducted by the National Conference of Agriculture in seven years at the university enrollments are almost doubled : from 4,909 in the academic year 2006-07 to 9,686 in 2013-14.

FARMERS EVEN MORE HI-TECH – For many of these kids it is a return to native , not to lose a family tradition. Yet the ‘new’ farmers are very different from their grandparents . They want to know everything about drones , exploit the ‘ eCommerce and, if conditions permit, also aim at the Tourism . Italians that farmers were increasingly hi-tech also showed him a recent study by Image Line (a company specialized in IT services for farms) and Nomisma , that the 61 percent of their daily use Internet , while 95.6 percent manages websites and online databases for your company. From the same research it shows that 43 percent of farmers are interested in the drones, while the 2.1 percent already employs them. Smartphone and tablets on hand to improve the activity and for a Feedback continuously with customers. Just push these goals 20.4% of the farmers to have their own website . Of these, then, 26.4% the consumer to buy products online.

INVESTMENT FOR UNDER 40 – to support a new impetus to agriculture made by young people has been developed ‘ Generate Campolibero ‘, a government plan to be 160 000 000 (from Ismea-Bei internal resources and funds) presented by the Minister Martina ranging from interest-free loans to the funds for startup agri -food. The goal: “to increase the enterprises run by under 40″, today still at 5 percent of the total compared with a European average of 8 percent. For interest-free loans to cover the investment is spoken by 1.5 million financed project (available as 50 million 30 million national agreement Bei-ISMEA). Then there is an element of Private Equity to start up in agriculture, agribusiness and fishing . Maximum amount per project is 4.5 million (20 million of the total available). Also scheduled to open the notice regarding the low-cost loans (the maximum duration of 30 years) for the purchase of farms by young . To implement this measure are 60 million euro.

AGRICULTURE OF THE FUTURE BETWEEN DRONI AND SENSORS – Investment to create new businesses or to revitalize existing ones, thanks to tools innovative . Such as drones , which according to the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) of Boston will be in first place among the most important innovations in agriculture. About a year ago was presented ‘ Agrodon ‘, the first aircraft for agriculture made Italy . The last in order of release is called ‘ Hephaestus ‘, employs thermal multi-spectral and hyperspectral sensors and was presented by the National Research Council.

Australia the authorities use them against the attacks of sharks, in Italy the drones are already making an important contribution in the battles in the courts against Xylella and red Awl . But also against downy mildew of vines and corn borer. They are used to monitor the status of crop and the levels of irrigation , but also to distribute agrochemicals . The advantages? Provide less waste of water and a less massive use pesticides . Even the video-photographic surveys are less expensive and more accurate than satellite. You save time and money, in fact.

Italy are used by almost 300 companies. But, in addition to the drones, there are also sensors. Mostly used as multi-spectral. And the Fieragricola Verona in recent weeks were also presented tools for maps in 3D , bombers of corn and tractors that drive themselves. It is the so-called ‘ precision agriculture ‘. Perhaps the only one who will know the new generations.



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