“We have to be aware that we are in a moment of profound change, not only legislative and organizational, but also in lifestyle: a transition phase of no return that finally sees the f ine of an era of decline and almost undisturbed exploitation of environmental resources common heritage of all and the start of a present in which the environment is not seen as an obstacle to growth, but as an engine of competitiveness a virtuous territory. ”
This was underlined by the Regional Councillor for the Environment Sara Vito, speaking at the conference on “The circular economy”, dedicated to the new regulations on the environment provided by the package on ‘ circular economy recently adopted by the European Commission and in the light of the environment linked to the Budget 2014 into law 221/2015 and organized by Legacoop in the office of Commerce of Udine. “The Friuli Venezia Giulia has good examples that demonstrate good will and determination for change and that in this conference have been rightly highlighted. I believe that the regional administration has the task to accompany this change: The big challenge is for the region of the identify the strategy, adopting planning tools, filling voids, investing on the prevention , “said the commissioner.
For this the region, recalled Vito, he worked at the Energy Plan , now being implemented and which sees energy nell’efficientamento his pillar; invested last year in energy savings of Towns with a very successful campaign which involved more than one hundred local authorities. Also programming 2014-20 preved and important resources to improve the efficiency of public buildings highly energy-intensive, such as schools and hospitals. In terms strictly of waste, Vito recalled that the regional government has adopted the regional waste prevention program with which they are identified priorities, strategy and individual prevention measures and fixed waste from National Waste Prevention Plan and the Regional Plan of municipal waste.
“a document that aims to improve the environment and quality of life of citizens , dealing with issues such as food waste, biodegradable waste, waste paper, public water, packaging and disposable, hazardous wastes, “drew Vito. As for durable goods, Vito recalled that for some time the strategy of the Region aims at the promotion of the re-use centers, on the implementation of which last year Executive has invested 550,000 Euros . Recycle 100% of waste, prevent the production of the same in the design phase of products and improve the ability to use materials that come from the collection: these are some of the key points of the circular economy package that were discussed in the course of the conference, with welcome addresses by Barbara Puschiasis of Cciaa of Udine and the Udine Furio Honsell mayor.
a outline the key points of the legislation has been Edo Ronchi , president of the Foundation for sustainable development and former environment minister, who explained that “Europe is showing a new way to go , not only in terms of waste collection but as an innovative setting of the economy that must be circular. The very concept of waste must be overcome: it will be necessary to develop the ability to use materials from from the collection and design the products so that they can be more easily recycled. It is – he continued – to create an innovation management, technological and organizational innovation: resources are scarce and, to be competitive in manufacturing sectors, we have to use them in an efficient manner while reducing the environmental impact. “
major concern by Legacoop FVG, as said its president Enzo Gasparutti, indicating the objective “to trigger growth based on the green economy, laying the foundation for a profound transformation of the way we produce, work, shop and, at the same time , fostering the creation of new jobs ‘green’ “. Massimo Caleo, 13th Vice President of the environment Committee of the Senate, he explained how in Friuli Venezia Giulia there are no particular problems in terms of waste and indeed register good collection rates. the speakers also Giulia Balugani of the consulting firm SCS consulting, Mario Pezzetta, President ANCI FVG and good practice in terms of green economy in place by two cooperatives associated with Legacoop FVG: SECAB and Idealservice were submitted.
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