Lodi, March 20, 2016 – “Just facade interventions of institutions: politics must find a structural solution on bureaucracy and on controls on products imported from abroad.” A ntonio Boselli , 57, president, from 2013, the section of Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza Confagricoltura, during the ordinary general meeting which was held yesterday morning at Parco Tecnologico Padano, it has appealed to the government to lift an increasingly difficult industry. “We do not want a policy to make decisions look at boobies polls next electoral deadline – says Boselli, taking advantage of the presence in the room of the deputy Angelo Zucchi, Head of the Secretariat of Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina -. The policy must not do the prices, but may set the stakes and rules in which the market has to move, helping to create that demand for made in Italy needed to make stable foreign markets and profitable “. But the sins of the lack of recovery, according Boselli, are also farmers themselves. “For many years we have produced without clear to whom and at what price we would have sold our product at harvest – attacks Boselli -, relying on the presence of foreign products of inferior quality and limited by logistics by the media and by non-appropriate times. today everything has changed: the Bavarian milk, just as an example, in eight hours reaches our dairies. We have to give us a wake up “.
l in 2015 ended with the confirmation of the crisis situation in the Lodi agriculture and regional for a year and a half now, caused by a still weak domestic demand, despite the recovery in consumption , and by an oversupply in markets around the world. Continuing difficulties of livestock, especially as regards the milk and pig meat, and to a lesser extent, of cereal, while confirming the good state of health of the wine sector. Corporate profitability is confirmed at unsatisfactory levels. great difficulty the dairy sector , which directly affects the province of Lodi. To sum up, at the close of the meeting, was the Confagricoltura national president, Mario Guidi that will end his tenure at the year end. “The agricultural sector is in structural crisis – he said -. It is our way of farming in serious trouble. Can not face the market alone. Small businesses need to work together to be able to get by. The Renzi government is trying to bring something new. for example, the abolition of the provinces is a good news for us. But it is not enough. Even the Community policy has certainly of guilt. France and Germany are suffering the same problems. from Brussels we ask to adapt to the rules. Encourage the Community market products from Africa has become for us a big risk. “
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