ROME – From road maintenance services for the disabled, from hospices to the rents of houses, from the slaughter of the meat to the protection of public parks, from the purchase of new software to kennel management. There is only one chapter in which Roma Capitale, the great City of Rome before run by German and then by Marino, has complied with the rules of good administration. Raffaele Cantone, the Anti-Corruption Authority president, has no doubts. Signed on March 10 the last chapter of his long inspection of Rome, covering the years 2012 to 2014 and runs through the pattern of the last two mayors the right and left, and closes with a heavy trial.
“L ‘investigation – writes Canton – has revealed the systematic and widespread violation of the rules. it has revealed the widespread and indiscriminate use of procedures without public evidence, which could increase the possible distortions which facilitate the rooting of corrupt practices “. Unnecessarily Roma Capitale, with its many departments, tried to defend himself by sending in Canton, after the first report of September 2015, as many dossiers “in defense”. That do not affect the Authority’s analysis of anti-corruption. The 15-page report confirms the investigation of the Rome prosecutors on Mafia Capital and malfeasance it was a rule of conduct, and was sent to both the Prosecutor and of the Court of Auditors.
Against the Constitution. That’s right. Canton writes on the last page. “The activities of the contractual management of Roma Capitale, in its various aspects and modalities, is not consistent with the principles of sound administration and fairness enshrined in Article 97 of the Constitution”. The consequences are ominous. The Anac report lists them: “You are having a negative impact on the quality of performance and on the increase in costs, as well as on the lesion of the competition, as a result of the subtraction to market competitiveness rules of a significant part of procurement, entrusted to most no-bid. “
the eighteen reliefs. Canton confirmation, point by point, the findings it had written against the management of Roma Capitale last October. To no avail, as we shall see, the City attempts to prove that he has what it takes. Remains the heavy list of omissions with which the next administration will have to deal. Here are the main vice, the use “easy” to the so-called “negotiated procedure”, which is the opposite of a public tender in which all can participate. But here it invites a limited number of companies with which “negotiates” the contract. But, according to Canton, there is a defect of origin, because there are “lack or defect of the assumptions motivation” to resort to this type of procedure. It is not enough. There is “the systematic use of loans to the same topic,” there are “extensions”, also unjustified and unmotivated. There is “improper splitting of contracts”. There are “not motivated variants.” The invited companies are always the same, lacking “the mandatory rotation.” And to make matters worse “is not sufficient for the requirements.”
Everyone has their own system. Canton examined, in the first phase, 1,850 negotiated procedures, the 10% of the total. In the second phase has focused 36, including procurement, works in economics, piecework trustees, loans to cooperatives. It confirmed “the relevant critical issues in the management structures of the behaviors of Rome Capital”. He discovered, not without surprise, that the City of Rome “each department has different information systems,” then do not talk to each other. Moreover the Office contracts, incardinated in the Secretariat, “is equipped with a centralized system exclusively for public tenders”. All others, therefore, escape in a thousand uncontrollable streams.
The boom of the Coop. The Anac survey reveals that, especially for housing associations operating in the social, in the 2012-2014 period “there was a huge number of awards of substantial economic value occurred largely in direct form, confirming the failure to respect the basic principles of competition, fairness, equal treatment, transparency and proportionality.”
the technological innovation. the Department defends itself against accusations of Canton, wrote of “5 races canceled”, the extensions required “for the lack of personnel”, the chosen companies without new checks (for the information system for the collection and for the System Management Dorado 380) because it already been done previously. But State argues that this demonstrates “the failure to check the requirements both general and special.”
Disabled unchecked. On the 2 million euro for the award of the service for the disabled Canton reiterates “the improper use of the negotiated procedure”, “violations of the publication of the race”, a contract notice too narrow, note that even the Atac, when he managed the service, he had not done properly, and had turned to third parties without notifying the Department.
Homes for the elderly and the Roma. also anomalies in this area, with the mockery that the Department of social and housing policies, in Canton who criticizes the absence controls, points out that “for immigrants and Roma there are no specific regulations”. So why follow them?
Roads, kennels and software. Canton announces that his eye will also expand the (disputed) kennel management of Rome. It is surprised that the Department of Environmental Protection boast, as a novelty, buying only now software to monitor contracts. the extension critical for caregivers of road maintenance. On the world of slaughter and its cold storage critical recourse always to the same companies.
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