” ANSA Viaggiart “is the new portal of Culture
the whole culture and art : a map of the cultural heritage. On April 12, the Reggia di Venaria will coordinate the first “#MUSEUMINSTASWAP”: throughout the day, the Turin museums will tell each other on Instagram
it’s called “ANSA ViaggiArt” and is the new world of beauty and of the Italian cultural heritage, which was presented yesterday at ‘ Innovation Center in Intesa San Paolo. There is also in the app version for the smartphone, and allows visitors and residents to have a detailed map of museums, gardens, and cultural heritage to visit. Just click the desired city, for example Turin, to read the list of the museums you can see, with a description of the history and collections. And a proposed itinerary to not miss the nearby exhibitions. Starting from the Egyptian, the portal suggests such as the proximity of the Palazzo Carignano, Mao and 220 meters away Savoy Gallery.
In addition to the photos, to the ticket office phone numbers, and the map on Google Maps, Viaggiart recommended ‘ address of hotel, restaurants and ice cream parlors, and the week’s appointments in the city: from the exhibition “from Poussin to the Impressionists’ Make the days of Spring this weekend. In short, it is a portal that wants to be a photograph of the cultural heritage of the area, also highlighting the smaller galleries, the gardens, the Juventus Stadium, documentation centers. But we must do some ‘attention to some inaccuracies. The Astut, the scientific and technological archive, for example, is not found in via Quarello, but being the Royal Park, the Tobacco Factory.
It is not the only news that shows how it is changing the communication of cultural tourism in the city and province. On April 12, the Reggia di Venaria will coordinate the first “#MUSEUMINSTASWAP”: throughout the day, the Turin museums will tell each other on Instagram. Each city museum will tell another through their Instagram profile, highlighting the collections from a different point of view and unique. And looking analogies and similarities with their own reality. The pairs were formed with a draw from the hat, and they will see it is the Egyptian express opinions sull’Ettore Fico, and the Film Museum to share experiences and feelings with that of the Automobile. A sort of cross storytelling.
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