Monday, March 21, 2016

Driveways, the hidden network of Renzi 007. Money from abroad and … – The Daily

The premier Matteo Renzi today will go to the Hill to confront the head of state on appointment of military leaders . The game of appointments is key, to unlock the box that counts the most, that of ‘ computer intelligence , set to Mark Carras . The assignment could be made official already in the day. But who is behind Carras? What are your members? And above all: why Renzi can not renounce his appointment? The answer is right in the network of relationships, money and men , intertwined with Carras. A network that the Fact Daily is able to reveal. Great entrepreneurs of public infrastructure, a Finmeccanica councilors, heads of major banking groups, former agents of the Israeli secret services , men linked to the tobacco giants. Besides the usual faithful renziano David Serra , who moved to London financier and creator of Algebris fund. Even an accountant accused of money laundering.

A network that winds around Carras own since 2012: the same days in which Renzi start the climb to the Democratic Party and then the government. A network that reaches up to now, the Cys4, the Carrai company for cybersecurity. The same company to which the government has clung to justify the skills of “Marchino” , as his friends call him, to lead the intelligence sector. Even the minister Maria Elena Boschi has had to answer in court. Yet, it is precisely the market presence of Cys4 make Carras Man full of conflict interest.

hot that summer in Luxembourg. Let us return then to June 2012. Renzi announced his candidacy in the primaries against Pier Luigi Bersani . Two months later Carras flies in Luxembourg. It is August 1. The Richelieu of Prime Minister creates a company, Wadi Ventures Capital Management sarl, with a few thousand euro and a handful of members. There’s Jonathan Pacific & amp; Partners Ltd., the Israeli company lobbyist Jonathan Pacific , magnate start-up that the “silicon valley” of Tel Aviv are conquering the world.

 Serra  peaceful

a Carras and Pacifici join now Sdb Srl and managers and. The five of Wadi Sarl are the same who today control 33 percent of Cys4, the intelligence company Carras. A fact that in this story we must never forget. But why Carras creates in Luxembourg the Wadi sarl? The answer comes by Luxembourg certified company registration. Main purpose: to subscribe and acquire the same namesake and always Luxembourg, which at that time still does not exist. Was founded in November 2012. Renzi is in full campaign. On November 27, the friend Serra, former financier of the Big Bang Foundation Renzi, pour the first 50,000 euro in Wadi Sca. And in the same week Carras, in Italy, lays the foundation of Cys4 future.

A Carras and Pacifici join now Sdb Srl Vittorio Giaroli and managers Renato Attanasio Sica and Gianpaolo Moscati . The five of Wadi Sarl are the same who today control 33 percent of Cys4, the intelligence company Carras. A fact that in this story we must never forget. But why Carras creates in Luxembourg the Wadi sarl? The answer comes by Luxembourg certified company registration. Main purpose: to subscribe and acquire the shares of another company , and always homonymous Luxembourg, which does not yet exist at that time: Wadi Ventures Sca . Was founded in November 2012. Renzi is in full campaign. On November 27, the friend Serra, former financier of the Big Bang Foundation Renzi, pour the first 50,000 euro in Wadi Sca. And in the same week Carras, in Italy, lays the foundation of Cys4 future.

On October 26, “Marchino” creates the embryo of his future creature, that devoted to cybersecurity, and sees Renzi, just today , pledged to entrust the IT sector of our intelligence.

the Israeli branch. The embryo of Cys4 called Cambridge management consulting labs. It is a business consulting company, registered with the Chamber of Commerce on November 6, a month before the primary. Members of Cambridge? The same as the Wadi Sarl Luxembourg. So that also control the safe Wadi Sca. In which, after Serra, enters the Fb group Srl, Mark Bernabé , formerly of Cambridge partner.

Same people, different companies , that Luxembourg bring in Israel. Bernabe is a member of another Wadi Ventures, based in Tel Aviv, at 10 Hanechoshet street. It is the same venue Israeli dell’italianissima Cambridge. December 2 Renzi loses the primaries . The Luxembourg company linked to conquer instead Carras new members. Do not forget the team: the men of Cambridge, are the same as Wadi sarl, which controls the Wadi Sca. And in a few months he get another million. What members?

In March 2013, the share capital, enters the Equity Liner with 100,000 euro, created in 2006 by three companies (Global Trust, Finstar Holding Ltd., Regent sourcing Ltd) represented by Annalisa Ciampoli . The Finstar Holding, is the accountant and lobbyist Roman Bruno Capone . Ms. Ciampoli, although not investigated, is defined, in some investigative measures – those of a criminal organization dedicated to international money laundering – the Capone collaborator. Capone, however, is under investigation by prosecutors in Rome for recycling with regard to significant transfers of money in Luxembourg, unrelated to the Wadi.

In March 2012, therefore, the new member of Carras group is a alleged recycler , which is still under investigation. Six months later, the Liner Equity attributable to Capone, is sold to another company, Facility Partners Sa. And Renzi returns to apply for the primaries.

Lords tobacco and banking. In those months, the tobacco lobby is engaged in the Battle excise duty . Linked to the Stability Law provides for an increase of 40 cents on cheaper packages. The operation, however, jumps. Renzi at that time is not the Government. But it is in the running for the primary, this time can win. The president of the Italian Tobacco Factory, at that time, called Francis Valleys . It’s the same valleys that, until 2012, he was head of the British American Tobacco Italy. It is certainly a man tied to the Democratic Party. Rather. Presides over three years, from 2009 to 2012, the Magna Carta Foundation created by Senator PDL then Gaetano Quagliarella . He is the next man to open your wallet. It is the new member of the Wadi Sca and Carras group. That the lobby of nicotine had financed Renzi, through the foundation Open, became known in July 2014, when the British American Tobacco pays 100 thousand euro. The fact can reveal that the interest lobby dates back to a year before: between April and September, Valli pays 150,000 euro to Wadi Sca , becoming too Carrai partner and Serra. Valleys, contacted by Done, declined to comment.

 Valli  Maranzana In a few days it also adds Louis Maranzana , which buys shares for 100 thousand euro. Maranzana is the same that today they are an President of the Intesa San Paolo Vita , the insurance arm of banking group led by John Bazoli . When asked, he did not notice: “The member of Carras and Serra? I know nothing, Carras do not know him, I was always away from politics – responds to Done -. I just made an investment. ” Who told you suggested? Click.

At the end of 2013, When Renzi became secretary of the Democratic Party and approaches to undermine Enrico Letta, is the case to make some statement. In Wadi Sca, in just one year, they entered one million and 50 thousand euro and five new members. To check out all there Carras. Not only. The same members of Carras in Luxembourg – Moscati, Bernabé, Pacifici, Sica and Giaroli – have already been active for a year, in Italy, in Cambridge, which mature at the end of 2013 a profit of just 46,000 EUR . It is expected to grow wildly in the following year. When Renzi becomes premier. And it is 2014 to report the most interesting news on the Luxembourg front.

Appointed on Finmeccanica, comes the new member. In the spring of 2014, after conquering the secretary of the Democratic Party, and crossed the threshold of Palazzo Chigi, Renzi has already engaged in its first round of nominations for SOEs . And the Board of Directors of Finmeccanica comes a man who has argued from the outset: Fabrizio Landi , an expert of the bio-medical sector, among the top lenders of Leopolda with 10,000 Euros. “But do you think that with 10,000 euro buys you a place in the technological society of the country?” Says Landi Huffington Post. Indeed, three months after his appointment in Finmeccanica, Landi versa other 75,000 euro buying as many shares of Wadi Sca.

It is not the only one increase the capital of Wadi and, above all, to become a member of the group linked to Carras. There is also an important businessman who, precisely in those weeks, struggling to make himself heard by former Infrastructure Minister, Maurizio Lupi, despite manages public contracts for billions. His name is Michele Pizzarotti , the manufacturer.

 Landi Pizzarotti

“support abroad” for the man of the streets. In April Pizzarotti has a problem: being able to talk to the former minister Maurizio Lupi. To succeed, has to go through this Franco Horse , known as “Uncle Frank”, a friend of Wolves, organizing tables with the minister’s vision, attached hand dialogue and narrow, in dinners from 10 thousand euro: “It starts at 7? What time will it end? Dinner is on your feet? “Asks Pizzarotti to” Uncle Frank “, March 19, 2014, announcing its presence. Twelve days later – April 1, 2014 – “Uncle Frank” the fixed an appointment with Emanuele Forlani , the secretariat of Wolves, but the hook does not work. “I said ‘I do’ …” says Pizzarotti to Uncle Frank, “for the love of God will be busy, though, guys, we’re talking about a company that has at stake 4 billion locked works bureaucratic reasons absurd “. Here, in April 2014, Pizzarotti has a problem: try to talk to Wolves because he sees his “works blocked by absurd bureaucratic reasons”. Five months later, pour 100 000 euro in Luxembourg, to the Wadi Sca, closest to Renzi becoming men partner. Yet the start up of business has never been its core business. Two months after this payment Renzi is in Parma, in company Pizzarotti, where they welcomed the patron Paolo with his sons Michael and Henry, “ must restart the building ,” he says in front of the tv, ” the government wants to support Italian businesses abroad. “

of course, at that time, that there is just Pizzarotti to support a company abroad, namely the Wadi sca. Contacted by Done, the entrepreneur explains that problems remained even with the arrival in the place of Lupi Graziano Delrio but, unlike its predecessor, at least received. “He welcomed us, yes, but without any benefit for our work “. Who invited her – ask – to invest in Wadi? “Pacifici. I did not know it was from Carras “controlled. And they are two. He adds: “I chose it because it invests in start-ups in Israel, most innovative country together to California, where, however, my company works with the conviction to do with a successful business . Pacifici send me periodic reports on the progress of our investments. ” And Israel, in this story, is really central.

From the Mossad to business. At Wadi Sarl, in the summer of 2014, adding another company, Leading Edge, due to Reuven Ulmansky , veteran IDF 8200 units, created in 1952, equivalent to the National security Agency (NSA) of the United States, has always devoted to cyberwarfare and “ data collection” for the Israeli intelligence . Ulmansky is Carras partner and the same men who, a few months later, in December 2014, participating with 33 percent to Cys4 baby girl, incidentally, boasts three locations in Italy and one in Tel Aviv.

Who are the members of Cys4? For 33 percent, in fact, are Sica, Moscati, the Fb of Bernabe, Pacifici and Carras. What are the members of the Luxembourg Sarl Wadi? Sica, Moscati, Bernabé, Pacifici, Carras. And Sica, Moscati and Carras, administer Wadi sca safe, where they have invested their money Serra, the future head of St. Paul Life, Maranzana, Finmeccanica’s future Landi adviser, the man in the lobby of the Valleys tobacco, the great entrepreneur Pizzarotti.

With the new members is growing. On 30 November 2014, the company brings capital to 1.5 million, and resolution increases up to 3 million . Managed by the same men who control through Cambridge, 33 percent of Cys4. And on the Italian front? The Cambridge, administered by the same group, in 2014 sees explode income from 46 000 euro to 1.5 million.

Yesterday The Fact contacted Carras, who preferred not to answer our questions. It is for him that the Prime Minister Renzi is r idisegnando intelligence of the country, redistributing powers and risking imbalances and friction with the Quirinale . All this just to create a key role to be assigned to Mark Carras.

From The Fact’s Daily 03/21/2016



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