Recycle. Recycle everything. And if you can readjust and to find new life to old objects. This is the rule of green “Do the Right Thing!”: Our own and exotic flavors, sustainable creativity workshops and products for the national fair of critical consumption and sustainable life styles that do not tire the planet. From March 18 to 20 is the thirteenth edition organized by Terre di mezzo Events in Central
of fieramilanocity fairground.
“Do the Right Thing!” Will stand, laboratories, parks, restaurants, shows and meetings : 9 topics and 8 Special spaces sections: organic food , zero km or cruelty free, ethical fashion, low-impact mobility, green living, sustainable games and proposals for children, fair trade products and non-profit associations and cooperatives projects.
The Speziale project: an area all to live, where you can taste different blends of tea, experiment with flavors: pistils of saffron from Sardinia to the berries of vanilla from Madagascar, via the flavor of the chocolate that combines the wisdom of the Belgian master chocolatier to the raw material grown in compliance with the peasants and land. A place of sale, the encounter of traditions and cultural exchange, where you can discover the use and properties of the different plants, even within workshops and practical demonstrations.
The Circular Economy is an economic model based on the repair and regeneration, in which the waste of a processing step become raw material for the production process of another economic reality (such as feedstock and fuel). The theme will be the focus of the trade fair opening conference: “The alphabet of circular economy, from A to A ‘, organized by Novamont and Lavazza. The producer of coffee house presents. among other things, a novelty: The compostable capsule for coffee machines. The pods of espresso home machines have become a problematic rejection, Lavazza has invented this capsule that “melts” once used, becomes even ‘fertilizer’ where they can grow edible mushrooms.
Friday, March 18 , from 10 to 13, 21 speak of circular economy, in the space of 5 minutes each. The theme will also be the focus of in-depth meetings and will “put into practice” within the cooking show “# 1caffèperilpianeta” edited by Tessa Gelisio and Lisa Casali, for Lavazza , in which to learn, for example, to use the coffee grounds to cultivate delicious edible mushrooms. The compostable capsule will be presented to the public who will then have the opportunity, through guided tastings, enjoy a coffee that is good for the planet, with guaranteed quality Lavazza.
Territories resistant is the space dedicated to the areas at risk of depopulation today, those who live there, who would want to go do it and then find a way to make this sustainable return. This year with a real “back school”, organized by the Network of returning to abandoned places, three days of meetings, held by craftsmen, farmers and intellectuals, with the objective of “pooling” knowledge and concrete practices to ensure effective sustainability-even economically those who choose to stay or return to live in the abandoned territories.
Section conscious and routes , will have a space dedicated to walking routes in Italy and in Europe, particularly central in the occasion of the National Walk which also coincides with the extraordinary Jubilee. Travel and do it in a conscious way is, in fact, a choice that more and more
characterizes the Italian holiday or not, thousands of walkers and pilgrims who annually tread the 6600 km of trails in Italy. Paths of history and faith as the Via Francigena or the Camino de Santiago, chosen for spiritual reasons or for recreation, but also cultural, scenic and purely recreational.
The program of workshops, meetings and demonstrations will see many new proposals to begin “going it alone.” One strand will be dedicated to “design for everyone, everywhere”: workshop in which to learn how to make furniture and decorative items for the house, to transform the “is” material into beautiful objects. The self-production laboratories allow you to discover how to transform unused clothes, make minor repairs on their wardrobe, producing cosmetics and detergents.
Among the cooking workshops and show cooking in the program, different proposals themed vegan, to discover the pleasure of cooking in a completely ethical and full of taste but also to prepare a low glycemic index recipes are also suitable for diabetics and those with celiac disease (because gluten-free). Children and families will have space completely dedicated to them and differentiated by age. The first, designed for 0-8 year-olds, where crawl, play, create puppets and take part in creative workshops, organized by the association Trillino wild. The small, from a few months up to 3 years, will have to provide a thematic interactive carpet, characterized by the four natural elements (air, water, earth and fire), where do sensory experiences accompanied by moms and dads. Older kids between 8 and 14 years will be the protagonists of a pole in which engage in scientific and technological experiments.
Altromercato WWF and, finally, to organize Earth Hour the largest sustainable and inclusive dinner by candlelight . This big dinner that ideally will unite the whole of Italy will find its main time during Fa ‘the right thing! at 20:30 on Saturday 19, when you turn off the lights and will be proposed – in all the dining options – fair trade and sustainable dishes.
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