They were presented today at the Ministry of Education, University and Research, The outcomes are related to the Higher Technical Institutes and list to access the reward money for those courses of study that have reached higher excellence in relation to the number of graduates and their results in the world of work.
on 67 evaluated paths (which refer to 48 ITS) are 28 who will receive a bonus this year, novelty introduced by the law ‘Good School’ to tie funding to specific criteria quality. The ranking was drawn up on the basis of national monitoring realized by Indire (National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) and was discussed and approved by the National Technical Table Paritetico that it also referred to the proposals and measures to improve the entire system of ITS trails. The provision of rewards amounted to around EUR 3,846,366.
The monitoring data concern the 67 routes completed at least one year to December 2015 and completed during the 2011-2014 triennium. Among the best 28 tracks (in the attached list) highlights the strong presence of the reality of the Veneto with 7 trails that access the reward funds, two of which belong to the ITS on mechatronics of Vicenza. Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia all have, respectively, 3 trails that access the rewarding. In Emilia Romagna all three paths are the ITS MAKER of Bologna, in Lombardy 2 of 3 trails rewarded belong SIT for the transport chain and intermodal logistics of Varese. And two of the paths of Friuli belong to the same ITS, that on New technologies for Made in Italy to address the mechanical and aeronautical industry of Udine.
Of the 1,684 students enrolled in 67 courses monitored, 1,235 are graduates . Of these the ‘ 81.1% (1,002 students) has a job . The 90.2% of the workforce has found a consistent work with qualifications from . The occupied 1,002 469 (46.8%) are open-ended, 533 (53.2%) fixed-term . Compared to last year increases the proportion of employed to 12 months (from 78.3% in 2015, to ’81.1% in 2016); even those consistent with the technological area are growing: from ’86.4% to 90.2. The 76.8% of the students are male gender , with a dropout rate of 22.9% . 96% of the admitted students graduated and 4% graduated .
Companies that have hosted internships the students have 1,157 , 0.03% of the total companies in Italy (4,173,955; ISTAT 2012). The largest enterprises are those with less than 50 employees (816, 70.5%). The average rate of placement of the courses is 42.6%. 66.4% of the teachers come from the world of work. The training units are designed 1,732; of these, 18 were held abroad and 264 were held in a foreign language.
The ITS Foundations in Italy are now 86; 1,662 partners subjects: 644 companies / consortia, 329 secondary schools of II degree, 227 training agencies, 158 local authorities, 78 university departments, 48 scientific and technological research institutions, 32 employers’ associations, 29 orders / professional colleges, 14 chambers of commerce, trade unions 7, 6 banks, four foreign partners and 86 other entities of a different nature. The highest number of ITS Foundations is Lombardy (16) , followed by Lazio and Emilia-Romagna (7 ITS), then Puglia, Tuscany and Veneto (ITS 6). Some of the 86 ITS operate in more technological fields and areas.
“With this monitor you want to understand how the system is working, what are the strategies that have proven successful, such as the critical issues to be analyzed – emphasizes Undersecretary Toccafondi- such interventions put in place to ensure that the path to success achieved ports all actors in the supply chain, from young students to businesses, through teachers, universities and organizational management. ITS speak with their numbers! They are numbers that convince us that this is the right way to rebuild the winning link between education, training, universities and businesses. It is one of the roads to give employment opportunities to our young people and to enrich our companies and research centers with highly qualified technicians. When the school communicates systematically with the firm the results are good. We are working to create in Italy – said the Sottosegretario- a tertiary vocational system and ITS can be the central pillar of our model, we have a long way to go to improve the system, but the reality and these early results tell us who we are going in the right direction. ”
“The Technical High Schools are an increasingly innovative reality in the Italian tertiary system. The 2015 monitoring numbers confirm that this type of training, based on workshop activities and integrating study and work, can meet the needs of the Italian business world – adds the President of Indire, Giovanni Biondi – From the raw data, it appears that the employed after 12 months is more than 81% and this is also thanks to the fact that the paths on average expect a very high proportion of placements in enterprises (42.6%) and teachers from the world of work (66.4%) “.
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