Conference debut for Massimo Ingush , new president of the National research Council, the National Academy of Lincei, wanted a meeting yesterday with the press in which he also exposed the intervention strategies that will characterize his presidential term.
Body and Accademia dei Lincei, Ingush has chosen as the meeting site the Academy not surprisingly, given the transversal skills and culture that inevitably bind to the CNR. Including the establishment of Palazzo Corsini – proceeding with the slowest pace dictated by the “scientific wisdom,” as he said in greeting the President of the Academy Alberto Quadrio Curzio – and the scientific body of the square Aldo Moro, which moves with the urgency it requires research, dialogue is free, open and focused on a quadrilateral concepts: basic research, applied research, technology and the humanities. To these are added, he underlined Quadro Curzio , politics: the word “terrible and inevitable.”
There is need for culture in our country, is not new. Culture in the broadest sense, such as “key to the expected quantum leap”, said Ingush . The collaboration between the scientific reality is among the priorities of the choices that the President of the National Research Council has been given. But a free scientific research implies the green light to innovation and genuine innovation, in turn, comes from the young people: “ The recent decree for the recruitment of excellent young people in the right direction, since it frees the organizations from red tape and it allows them to point directly to the top. Investing in young competitive, human capital, focusing on a merit-based recruitment method, it is much of a good research policy. “
Another point of the strategy are investments in southern Italy. The ability to work for strategies must find sublimation in the south “where excellence often are driven to move both for reasons related to job search and because, from the scientific point of view, there is little to which to be attracted to remain “, said the president. “The new CNR want to make choices that they can be landmarks in the territory and in specific sectors with targeted investments, avoiding crystallization mobility because moving means bringing new experiences, grasp new knowledge.”
The CNR research that aims to become wealth and so you have to choose, said: “not everyone can do everything, you do not They must waste the energy. It is important instead direct it to specific objectives, figure out what is most important, give priorities. Determinant is the transfer of technology: new ideas, new participants as protagonists industrialists, economists, links with universities, because to do well you have to work together. For this purpose there are funds for specific projects and the ability to attract European funding, with a careful look at the budget and streamlining many margins of cost centers. “
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