a new youth for the good old traditional bulb
they could return the incandescent bulbs, outlawed in Europe since 2012. researchers at MIT in Boston have developed a prototype light bulb “two-stage” that uses photonics nanotechnologies to save energy and heat
sometimes, certain technologies they return. Other times, they might come back. And ‘the case of incandescent bulbs, which are basically outlawed in Europe since 2012 and in many other countries outside Europe are started at a slow and steady decline. Incandescent bulbs invented by Thomas Alva Edison 130 years ago have had an overwhelming success, but their advantages – color fidelity, low cost – clashed with a strong limit: the fact that sprecassero, especially in the heat, even 95 % of the energy that was entered. Intolerable, especially in times of such waste energy means exacerbate the greenhouse effect. And so the incandescent bulbs have become real technological dinosaurs. A relic of a past energy consuming.
End of story? Maybe not. A group of researchers from MIT in Boston – the physicists Marin Soliacic and John Johannopoulos and energy engineer Gang Chen – in collaboration with researchers at Purdue University, have developed a two-stage light bulb that uses photonics nanotechnologies. The first of the two stages of the prototype is based on a traditional tungsten filament heated to 2700 degrees Celsius – a traditional incandescent light bulb – around which is placed a second structure – the real novelty – which makes use of photonic crystals (a series of thin layers of different materials are deposited on a glass support) that captures the infrared radiation and sends it back, like a mirror, toward the tungsten filament, that reabsorbs and re-emits it as part of the visible light. The process is repeated and repeated by allowing the scientists at MIT significant energy recoveries. It ‘a kind of light bulb recycling of infrared radiation.
As published in Nature Biotechnology by researchers, the incandescent light bulb prototype two-stage can achieve a 40% efficiency, a huge figure if you weigh that a conventional bulb was 2-3%, a compact fluorescent today goes from 7 to 15% and a lED from 5 to 20%. The fact that it can reach the 40% does not mean to do it automatically. The first prototype would stop at 6.6%, the next one was above 15%. The third is above 20%. And there are still two problems: the cost and stability over the 10 hours of continuous ignition.
But researchers at MIT have shown that such a diverse and sustainable incandescent light bulb, can exist and could bring on the market a technology that Europe has eliminated but that the United States is still alive. And it is here that the bulb 2.0, when I enter 2/4 years the technology will mature, it will attempt to capture a market that could serve as a springboard for a return on a worldwide basis. very difficult task, but until now unthinkable.

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